Formation a Distance (BE)

Formation a Distance (BE) affiliateprogramma

Campagnes » Werk & opleiding » Formation a Distance (BE)

Formation à Distance campaign

The Center de Formation à Distance

is one of the plus importers organizers of the formations à distance and Wallonie et à Bruxelles. Free for annoyance, not just for a constructive and large and diversified formations adaptation au monde du travail. And the center of Formation for Distance, which is more flexible for those who want to learn more about personal assistance and motivation for professional exhibitions.

Practice-oriented training
The Distance Learning Center allows you to acquire the necessary theory and direct you quickly to practical exercises. Through our learning platform, you have the opportunity to practice to the maximum. From experience, we know that your training quickly brings you new skills and that you can then easily find a job. And this is essential for you!

A flexible system
The Distance Learning Center offers you the opportunity to train while keeping an active and busy life. Your job, your family, your place of residence or various activities, there are many reasons why not everyone can attend classes at a fixed location and at a fixed time. Great to our formula, you study where and when you want. You thus keep a total freedom all while benefiting from the accompaniment of a teacher via our platform and line.

Renowned teachers
It is only a matter of importing the donner des cours dans notre center. Our teacher recruitment process is very strict. Each teacher must have taught courses for at least 3 years and have more than 5 years of experience in the trade they are teaching. Essence is that the caregiver transmits with passion what will allow you to exercise your future profession successfully.

A all-inclusive price
Low prices, no surprises. You will always find prices for our training courses on the page of the course you are interested in. For this price, you receive:
Your syllabus, delivered to your home (Delivery is included and Belgium, and France and the Netherlands. An extra charge will be added if you live and outside this area)

One year of support by your teacher
Access to our online appententage platform

Your access to the ex exam.
The fastest way to get your diploma
Our practice-oriented courses are designed to teach you the skills you will need to do your job. With the possibility of doing an internship, you further increase your chances of finding a job.

Accessible to all
Beware the prior knowledge or the diplomas to get started; each of our training courses is designed to provide you with all the necessary knowledge.

Diploma qualifying
And upon successful completion of your exam, you will receive a qualifying diploma or certificate of competence that will allow you to demonstrate your skills to your (future) employer or to start your own business.

Quality education
Our centre regularly undergoes quality controls to ensure that everything is done to provide you with the necessary skills and enable you to learn in the best conditions.

Wat is affiliate marketing?

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  • Commissie EUR 0.00 10% - 10% EUR 0.00 - 0.00
  • Keywordmarketing niet toegestaan
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    Cashback not allowed on the click

  • Social media is toegestaan
  • Sub ID mogelijk
  • Productfeed mogelijk
  • Deeplink mogelijk
  • Programma actief sinds 10-04-2019
  • Meetduur 100 dagen
  • Actief in


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