Emma Matratze Switzerland (CH)

Emma Matratze Switzerland (CH) affiliateprogramma

Campagnes » Wonen, Huis & Tuin » Emma Matratze Switzerland (CH)
Emma matelas does deduplicate on their paid acquisition channels, this is not set automatically and therefor can lead to an higher rejection rate as usual.

Emma mattress is founded in 2015 in Frankfurt. Our goal: making the purchase of a mattress easier!
There are countless mattresses for sale on the market, which means a long search for the customer along an infinite number of shops - only to become a little to nothing wiser in the end.

We make the search for a new mattress a lot easier. On our website you will find the best-tested mattress suitable for everyone. The Emma mattress is innovative and composed of high-quality materials.

The mattress is suitable for everybody and offers the perfect support irrespective of your height and weight. The materials of the mattress adapt to your height, weight or sleeping position so you ́ll
always sleep comfortably.

The Emma mattress was tested as the best mattress in six of the twelve countries our mattress is sold. In these tests we score (among other things) high points on the durability and support of the mattress.
This naturally raises high expectations among our buyers.

Therefore, you can try the Emma mattress for 100 nights to check for yourself if we can really meet those expectations. Is the mattress not the mattress what you are looking for? Then we pick up the mattress for free and refund the whole amount.

In addition to the mattress, we also sell various accessories, such as our pillow, box spring bed, duvet and topper. All developed with the same philosophy and sold under the same conditions.
Our website is the most important channel for us. Our company is young, agile and growing fast.

Everything is possible and with a high order value and a high conversion rate on our page, Emma mattress offers a very interesting business model for you as a publisher!

This campaign has automatic rules set up which unregister your subscription after 60 days if it hasn't been approved or disapproved. After having your registration cancelled, you can reapply for the campaign.

Wat is affiliate marketing?

Heb jij een website of ander online medium waarmee je het Emma Matratze Switzerland (CH) affiliateprogramma wil promoten? Dat kan! Het eerste wat je moet doen is je aanmelden bij Daisycon. Nadat je bent toegelaten tot het Daisycon-netwerk en de campagne, krijg je toegang tot de banners en het linkmateriaal. Plaats deze links of banners op je website. Voor iedere bezoeker die je doorstuurt en die een transactie genereert ontvang je een leuke vergoeding. Dit wordt affiliate marketing genoemd.

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Start met promoten

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Aanmelden bij Daisycon


  • Commissie EUR 0.00 3% - 10% EUR 0.00
  • Keywordmarketing is toegestaan
    (meer informatie)

    not allowed for the brand name

  • E-mailmarketing is toegestaan
    (meer informatie)

    All affiliates may only promote coupon codes they received directly from the advertiser or via the Daisycon platform.

  • Promotiecodes is toegestaan
  • Product listing ads is toegestaan
  • Cashback is toegestaan
    (meer informatie)

    All affiliates may only promote coupon codes they received directly from the advertiser or via the Daisycon platform.

  • Social media is toegestaan
    (meer informatie)

    All affiliates may only promote coupon codes they received directly from the advertiser or via the Daisycon platform.

  • Sub ID mogelijk
  • Productfeed mogelijk
  • Deeplink mogelijk
  • Programma actief sinds 21-12-2022
  • Meetduur 30 dagen
  • Actief in


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