
Casualdatingcanada.com affiliateprogramma

Campagnes » Dating » Casualdatingcanada.com
Register now at Casualdatingcanada.com and start promoting! Casualdatingcanada.com is an online adult chat site for contact with local attractive singles. Casualdatingcanada.com is the chat site for men, women, and couples in Canada looking for quick flirts or an exciting adventure. Whether you like flirting, one night stands, or talking about your sex adventures, on Casualdatingcanada.com you will find many users that enjoy sex. Users can join for free, chat with local women - it's never been this easy! Casualdatingcanada.com follows an exciting quick Single Opt-in template. A fully optimized landing page guides the user through the flow while showing more 'sexy' images. After they've entered their email address and submitted, the pixel fires! So the clicks and CVR should be high. This campaign is perfectly mobile optimized, using a completely new platform which focuses on user interaction and therefore works exceptionally well on both wap and web traffic.

Why you should promote Casualdatingcanada.com:

- High single opt-in lead with an exceptional free click to lead conversion - Wide range of converting promotional materials such as banners and dynamic LPs - Rapid inspection of leads and regularly improved benefits for affiliates - Fully optimized new design/platform with exceptional user experience (UX) on mobile, tablet, and desktop. Suggestions, questions, or requests for the campaign? Or do you want yet another LP for traffic? No problem. We offer a wide range of converting promotional materials such as banners and dynamic LPs so that you finally realize higher conversion rates! Geo: CA Niche: Straight Language: English Age target: 18+

Wat is affiliate marketing?

Heb jij een website of ander online medium waarmee je het Casualdatingcanada.com affiliateprogramma wil promoten? Dat kan! Het eerste wat je moet doen is je aanmelden bij Daisycon. Nadat je bent toegelaten tot het Daisycon-netwerk en de campagne, krijg je toegang tot de banners en het linkmateriaal. Plaats deze links of banners op je website. Voor iedere bezoeker die je doorstuurt en die een transactie genereert ontvang je een leuke vergoeding. Dit wordt affiliate marketing genoemd.

Lees hier meer over publisher worden bij Daisycon, of klik hier om je direct te registreren.

Start met promoten

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Aanmelden bij Daisycon


  • Commissie EUR 3.00 - 4.00 0% EUR 0.00
    (meer informatie)

    Bronze: CPL 3,25 SOI
    Silver: CPL 3,75 SOI
    Gold: CPL 4,25 SOI
    VIP Scale: Negotiable

  • Keywordmarketing is toegestaan
  • E-mailmarketing is toegestaan
  • Promotiecodes is toegestaan
  • Product listing ads niet toegestaan
  • Cashback niet toegestaan
  • Social media is toegestaan
  • Sub ID mogelijk
  • Productfeed niet mogelijk
  • Deeplink niet mogelijk
  • Programma actief sinds 11-12-2023
  • Meetduur 100 dagen
  • Actief in


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