Cándido Academia Gastronómica, the new proposal of Cándido López, where he shares all his gastronomic knowledge. A clear commitment to education that the Segovian hotelier has been working on for more than a decade and that has come to fruition with the Master's Degree in Cooking and Restaurant Management, which is already a reality. It consists of 8 modules and an annex to cover all the necessary knowledge in the kitchen and, in addition, to coordinate a restaurant successfully.
The differential value lies in its 100% online and totally audiovisual format. With more than 400 cooking videos, it will allow students to immerse themselves in a unique and immersive learning experience at their own pace. The objective is to learn in a practical way.
Benefits of promoting the Master in Cooking and Restaurant Management:
- Fast approval
- Innovative project
- Cost of the Master (490€)
The differential value lies in its 100% online and totally audiovisual format. With more than 400 cooking videos, it will allow students to immerse themselves in a unique and immersive learning experience at their own pace. The objective is to learn in a practical way.
Benefits of promoting the Master in Cooking and Restaurant Management:
- Fast approval
- Innovative project
- Cost of the Master (490€)
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