AANDACHT: aanvullende voorwaarden onderaan deze campagne omschrijving.
Testaankoop / Testachats is een gekende naam bij bijna elke goed geïnformeerde consument, en heeft een krachtig aanbod dat al effectief op het internet is gebleken; samen zijn ze uw garantie voor een succesvolle samenwerking! Opgericht in 1957, lanceerde Testaankoop / Testachats haar unieke aanbod in België, een aanbod waar maar weinigen aan konden weerstaan. Testaankoop / Testachats heeft ongeveer 340.000 leden verbonden.
Dit jaar heeft Testaankoop / Testachats besloten om hun welkomsaanbieding extra vroeg te vernieuwen, met een buitengewone welkomstgeschenk.
• Abonnees ontvangen verschillende magazines: Testaankoop / Testaankoop, Test Gezondheid / Test Santé (Test Gezondheid), Budget & Recht / Budget & Droits (Geld en rechten)
• Testaankoop / Testaankoop redigeert publicaties over specifieke kwesties van de consument en ontwikkelt voorlichtingscampagnes over de meest dringende problemen (met de productie van brochures, affiches, enz.)
• Ze ondersteunen hun consumenten en het gedrag van de bemiddeling van consumentengeschillen tussen consumenten en entiteiten, door middel van klachten bij de bevoegde autoriteiten van het openbaar bestuur
• Een ondersteuning voor elk geval: telefonische counseling, juridische belangenbehartiging
• Vele andere geschenken uit verschillende wedstrijden gedurende het jaar
• De consument ontvangt een lidkaart met voordelen en kortingen op duizenden producten
• Volledige toegang tot de website www.test-aankoop.be en www.test-achats.be
• En vele andere voordelen!
Al deze voordelen, in combinatie met een welkomstgeschenk, zal resulteren in een nog betere click through rate en conversie rate, dus een zeer interessante eCPM. Dankzij dit uiterst aantrekkelijk aanbod van een van de grootste affiliate programma's in België, zullen publishers in staat zijn om nog meer leads te genereren voor minder inspanning!
Aanvullende voorwaarden:
• When the Affiliate wants to use social sites (i.e. Facebook), it agrees to submit its proposal for approval prior to publication to Daisycon and Evo Lead.
• The Affiliate will not create a Facebookpage with the Client’s brand image or copying client content.
• The Affiliate will control comments on the social sites and take care of the reputation of the Advertiser. In any case affiliates will never act on behalf of the Advertiser answering as he is the Advertisert or using the Advertiser as alias or mirroring elements.
• The Affiliate must give Evo Lead all information about Facebook posts and/or new pages.
• When the Affiliate wants to use another material or perform a change/add content to the existing material, it will submit it for approval prior to publication.
• The Affiliate will respect the graphic charter when creating its material.
• Advertiser brand manual and brand guidelines must be considered as part of the agreement. Creative material that are not respecting Advertiser guidelines can’t be used.
• Working on generical keywords is allowed, but ads must be approved prior to launch
• Regarding all competitive consumer associations, brands and names, the Affiliate agrees to put these in negative words.
Liste à completer par Test-Achats
- all the Belgian consumer associations non included in the previous listing + all the acronyms of Belgian consumer associations included and not in the previous listing
- all the names of representatives of Belgian consumer associations included or not in the previous listing.
- all these terms : Sexually suggestive / Adult Content, Juvenile, gross and bizarre, Profanity and rough language, Military and international conflict, Death and tragedy, Crime, police and emergency, Gaming / Betting, Religious / Spirituality, Sensitive social issue, Politics, Racism or extremism, Violence.
The Affiliate will respect the entire e-mail marketing policy which consists of the following:
• Mandatory Opt-in:
Under Belgian law, the permission Marketing (opt-in) is mandatory (free, prior and express). Whoever sends direct marketing communications is required to have an updated list of people who explicitly accepted these submissions. The affiliates’ recipients have to be all opt-in (or double opt-in) addresses. Moreover, the mail should mention who collected the address. e.g. Vous recevez cet email parce que vous êtes inscrit sur XXXXX. Vos données nominatives ou votre adresse email n’ont pas été transmises à Test-Achats. e.g. U ontvangt deze email omdat u ingeschreven bent bij XXXXX. Uw gegevens of emailadres worden niet doorgegeven aan Test-Aankoop. In case of request by Test-Achats/Test-Aankoop, the affiliate must be able to provide the proof of a given opt-in within 3 working days.
• Mandatory Opt-out:
- E-mailers must mention an opt-out message and link in the e-mail (footer and /or header).
- Recipients must have the opportunity to unsubscribe/remove themselves from the listing directly trough the sent e-mail.
- Recipients must have the opportunity to unsubscribe/remove themselves directly trough the sent mail on the listing.
• Creatives:
- E-mailers will only use visuals approved by the agency and the Advertiser, and delivered to the Affiliate network.
- If the Affiliate wants to use a specific visual, it will submit it to the Advertiser for approval prior to launch.
o Never use the word gratis, gratuit, free or any synonym. The gift f.e. is not for free since people have to pay € xxx each month. Instead you can f.e. say that it is offered with the subscription
o Never use unlimited acces, ongelimiteerde toegang tot het web, accès illimité web or any synonym. It’s not unlimited. Some contents are hidden for persons whom don’t have ubscribed to a specific magazine.
o Expressions such as -You were especially selected or offer reserved in your name, Vous avez été sélectionné, u bent uitgekozen- cannot be used, It’s misleading.
o You can’t use the word because it gives the feeling that’s only an evaluating period and not an unlimited subscription (will not stop automatically). Never give the feeling that subscription stops automatically. It stops when you ask for it to stop.
o The gift isn’t for free unless you pay the first month.
• E-mail sender identity:
- The sender has to be the owner of the Database.
- The sender can’t be a “no-reply” address.
- Direct e-mail marketeers affiliates may not use Test-Achats / Test-Aankoop as their sender name (expressions like “promocion” or ”whatever”@testachats.org. “[email protected]”, etc…are not allowed either). “Test-Achats / Test-Aankoop by” is allowed.
- Gmail - Hotmail - Yahoo – Live,… addresses are not allowed.\
- Each template (specific or not) will display a Test-Achats / Test-Aankoop disclaimer: a message saying that Test-Achats / Test-Aankoop rejects any liability for any illegal use of personal data.
• Contact Data: The Affiliate will be in possession of the e-mailer’s contact person and coordinates.
• E-mail shoots: E-mailers may not shoot the same DB with the same message in a time frame shorter than 3 weeks.
• Privacy disclaimer: Each template (specific or not) will display a Client and Evolutionland disclaimer: a message saying that the Client, in this case [Test-Achats / Test-Aankoop], and Evolutionland also, both reject any liability for any illegal use of personal data.
• Subject lines: Subject aim should be to inform and arouse curiosity, and simultaneously it should reassure the reader and make him understand that what he is receiving contains no spam, viruses or fraud.
1. Subject should be consistent with sender, they are two complementary elements
2. Never use a generic sender or misspelled (“Offer”, “Users”, “Expeditions” for instance)\
3. Never use, always for sender, typical spammer domain such as .advert o .info
4. Never have an ambiguous subject if we push fake expectations and we make “Fabulous” promises that we are not able to keep, we run the risk of disappointing our Readers. They will fall once, perhaps twice, but in the long terms they will stop reading it.
6. Never use repeated exclamation points.
7. Never use, unless strictly necessary, question marks nor exclamation points
8. Never start a subject by using first name recipient followed by an ambiguous offer.
9. Never have a blank subject
10. Never put in subject English or any other languages words such as FREE and GUARANTEED
11. Never put blank spaces between single letters (such as S U P E R B E ! O F F R E !)Complain from users or authority
• Complain from users or authoruity
When a user contacts the Advertiser complaining about an email received, the Affiliate must provide all the information needed in order to fill out a correct and complete answer. In the information must be included :
- Company details
- How the email was included in DB
- Domain on which partner is collecting email
- Privacy disclaimer
- Privacy opt-in/opt-out details
- Confirmation that the email was inser in partner blacklist
- All the information must be delivered in 72 hours.
• Spelling the brand
PLEASE ALWAYS RESPECT THE SPELLING OF THE BRAND NAME: Test-Aankoop, Test-Achats or any related brand of Test-Aankoop/Test-Achats.
• Sponsored blogs/ Marketing articles:
- Use of approved material
The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate will submit its proposal for approval prior to publication.
The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate will provide all the proposition details for the approval prior to publication: kind of communication, copy, graphic contents (i.e. banners,images, logo), links and url.
As of point 1.ii above mentioned, if the Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate wants to use another material or perform a change/add content to the existing one, it should submit it again for approval prior to publication.
- Content control
o The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate can’t use content that overlaps/duplicates the communication activity managed directly by the client on its official pages.
o Graphic materials such as the client’s logo, images, banners and layout can’t be replicated without authorization.
o It is absolutely forbidden to register and use domains containing the client’s brand. Any comments to the articles have to be checked and moderated prior to publication.
- Misleading communication
o The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate is not authorized to create and use incorrect content and any fake information whatsoever, in particular regarding the gifts, shipment timing and stock availability.
o A well-balanced communication is required and the Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate can not focus solely on the gift to push subscriptions.
o Any wrong or non compliant content that can be misleading and create Brand Image problems, will be immediately removed by the affiliate and the Affiliate will be immediately excluded from the program. Evolutionland and or the Client reserve their right to take legal action against the affiliate or Affiliate network in case of damage to the reputation of the brand and these leads won’t be paid.
o When asked to remove the proposition, the Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate can not refuse and has to remove immediately both related link and content.
• Social Sites:
- Use of approved material
o The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate that wants to use social sites will submit their proposal for approval prior to publication.
o The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate will provide all the proposition details for the approval prior to publication: kind of communication, copy, graphic contents (i.e. banners,images, logo), links and url
o As mentioned above, if the Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate wants to use anothermaterial or perform a change/add content to the existing one, it should submit it again for approval prior to publication.
o Unauthorized proposals will be automatically and immediately removed by the affiliate, both link and content.
- Content control
o The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate can’t use content that overlaps/duplicates the communication activity managed directly by the client on its official social sites.
o Graphic materials such as the client’s logo, images, banners and layout can’t be replicated without authorization.
o It is absolutely forbidden to register and use domains containing the client’s brand.
o Posts have to be checked and moderated prior to publication.
o It's forbidden to create parallel or fake profiles and fake reactions to promote and/or intermediate pages
o The content should mirror the real product and details of the offer and respective patent veracity of the terms and conditions (delivery time, etc).
- Misleading communication
o The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate is not authorized to create and use incorrect content and fake information about the gift, shipment timing and stock availability.
o A well-balanced communication is required and the Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate can not focus solely on the free gift to push subscriptions.
o Any wrong or non compliant content that can be misleading and create Brand Image problems, will be immediately removed and the Affiliate will be immediately excluded from the program.
o When asked to remove the proposition, the Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate can not refuse and has to remove both related link and content.
o With 1 fake information about offer the content is considered misleading.
Testaankoop / Testachats is een gekende naam bij bijna elke goed geïnformeerde consument, en heeft een krachtig aanbod dat al effectief op het internet is gebleken; samen zijn ze uw garantie voor een succesvolle samenwerking! Opgericht in 1957, lanceerde Testaankoop / Testachats haar unieke aanbod in België, een aanbod waar maar weinigen aan konden weerstaan. Testaankoop / Testachats heeft ongeveer 340.000 leden verbonden.
Dit jaar heeft Testaankoop / Testachats besloten om hun welkomsaanbieding extra vroeg te vernieuwen, met een buitengewone welkomstgeschenk.
• Abonnees ontvangen verschillende magazines: Testaankoop / Testaankoop, Test Gezondheid / Test Santé (Test Gezondheid), Budget & Recht / Budget & Droits (Geld en rechten)
• Testaankoop / Testaankoop redigeert publicaties over specifieke kwesties van de consument en ontwikkelt voorlichtingscampagnes over de meest dringende problemen (met de productie van brochures, affiches, enz.)
• Ze ondersteunen hun consumenten en het gedrag van de bemiddeling van consumentengeschillen tussen consumenten en entiteiten, door middel van klachten bij de bevoegde autoriteiten van het openbaar bestuur
• Een ondersteuning voor elk geval: telefonische counseling, juridische belangenbehartiging
• Vele andere geschenken uit verschillende wedstrijden gedurende het jaar
• De consument ontvangt een lidkaart met voordelen en kortingen op duizenden producten
• Volledige toegang tot de website www.test-aankoop.be en www.test-achats.be
• En vele andere voordelen!
Al deze voordelen, in combinatie met een welkomstgeschenk, zal resulteren in een nog betere click through rate en conversie rate, dus een zeer interessante eCPM. Dankzij dit uiterst aantrekkelijk aanbod van een van de grootste affiliate programma's in België, zullen publishers in staat zijn om nog meer leads te genereren voor minder inspanning!
Aanvullende voorwaarden:
• When the Affiliate wants to use social sites (i.e. Facebook), it agrees to submit its proposal for approval prior to publication to Daisycon and Evo Lead.
• The Affiliate will not create a Facebookpage with the Client’s brand image or copying client content.
• The Affiliate will control comments on the social sites and take care of the reputation of the Advertiser. In any case affiliates will never act on behalf of the Advertiser answering as he is the Advertisert or using the Advertiser as alias or mirroring elements.
• The Affiliate must give Evo Lead all information about Facebook posts and/or new pages.
• When the Affiliate wants to use another material or perform a change/add content to the existing material, it will submit it for approval prior to publication.
• The Affiliate will respect the graphic charter when creating its material.
• Advertiser brand manual and brand guidelines must be considered as part of the agreement. Creative material that are not respecting Advertiser guidelines can’t be used.
• Working on generical keywords is allowed, but ads must be approved prior to launch
• Regarding all competitive consumer associations, brands and names, the Affiliate agrees to put these in negative words.
Liste à completer par Test-Achats
- all the Belgian consumer associations non included in the previous listing + all the acronyms of Belgian consumer associations included and not in the previous listing
- all the names of representatives of Belgian consumer associations included or not in the previous listing.
- all these terms : Sexually suggestive / Adult Content, Juvenile, gross and bizarre, Profanity and rough language, Military and international conflict, Death and tragedy, Crime, police and emergency, Gaming / Betting, Religious / Spirituality, Sensitive social issue, Politics, Racism or extremism, Violence.
The Affiliate will respect the entire e-mail marketing policy which consists of the following:
• Mandatory Opt-in:
Under Belgian law, the permission Marketing (opt-in) is mandatory (free, prior and express). Whoever sends direct marketing communications is required to have an updated list of people who explicitly accepted these submissions. The affiliates’ recipients have to be all opt-in (or double opt-in) addresses. Moreover, the mail should mention who collected the address. e.g. Vous recevez cet email parce que vous êtes inscrit sur XXXXX. Vos données nominatives ou votre adresse email n’ont pas été transmises à Test-Achats. e.g. U ontvangt deze email omdat u ingeschreven bent bij XXXXX. Uw gegevens of emailadres worden niet doorgegeven aan Test-Aankoop. In case of request by Test-Achats/Test-Aankoop, the affiliate must be able to provide the proof of a given opt-in within 3 working days.
• Mandatory Opt-out:
- E-mailers must mention an opt-out message and link in the e-mail (footer and /or header).
- Recipients must have the opportunity to unsubscribe/remove themselves from the listing directly trough the sent e-mail.
- Recipients must have the opportunity to unsubscribe/remove themselves directly trough the sent mail on the listing.
• Creatives:
- E-mailers will only use visuals approved by the agency and the Advertiser, and delivered to the Affiliate network.
- If the Affiliate wants to use a specific visual, it will submit it to the Advertiser for approval prior to launch.
o Never use the word gratis, gratuit, free or any synonym. The gift f.e. is not for free since people have to pay € xxx each month. Instead you can f.e. say that it is offered with the subscription
o Never use unlimited acces, ongelimiteerde toegang tot het web, accès illimité web or any synonym. It’s not unlimited. Some contents are hidden for persons whom don’t have ubscribed to a specific magazine.
o Expressions such as -You were especially selected or offer reserved in your name, Vous avez été sélectionné, u bent uitgekozen- cannot be used, It’s misleading.
o You can’t use the word
o The gift isn’t for free unless you pay the first month.
• E-mail sender identity:
- The sender has to be the owner of the Database.
- The sender can’t be a “no-reply” address.
- Direct e-mail marketeers affiliates may not use Test-Achats / Test-Aankoop as their sender name (expressions like “promocion” or ”whatever”@testachats.org. “[email protected]”, etc…are not allowed either). “Test-Achats / Test-Aankoop by
- Gmail - Hotmail - Yahoo – Live,… addresses are not allowed.\
- Each template (specific or not) will display a Test-Achats / Test-Aankoop disclaimer: a message saying that Test-Achats / Test-Aankoop rejects any liability for any illegal use of personal data.
• Contact Data: The Affiliate will be in possession of the e-mailer’s contact person and coordinates.
• E-mail shoots: E-mailers may not shoot the same DB with the same message in a time frame shorter than 3 weeks.
• Privacy disclaimer: Each template (specific or not) will display a Client and Evolutionland disclaimer: a message saying that the Client, in this case [Test-Achats / Test-Aankoop], and Evolutionland also, both reject any liability for any illegal use of personal data.
• Subject lines: Subject aim should be to inform and arouse curiosity, and simultaneously it should reassure the reader and make him understand that what he is receiving contains no spam, viruses or fraud.
1. Subject should be consistent with sender, they are two complementary elements
2. Never use a generic sender or misspelled (“Offer”, “Users”, “Expeditions” for instance)\
3. Never use, always for sender, typical spammer domain such as .advert o .info
4. Never have an ambiguous subject if we push fake expectations and we make “Fabulous” promises that we are not able to keep, we run the risk of disappointing our Readers. They will fall once, perhaps twice, but in the long terms they will stop reading it.
6. Never use repeated exclamation points.
7. Never use, unless strictly necessary, question marks nor exclamation points
8. Never start a subject by using first name recipient followed by an ambiguous offer.
9. Never have a blank subject
10. Never put in subject English or any other languages words such as FREE and GUARANTEED
11. Never put blank spaces between single letters (such as S U P E R B E ! O F F R E !)Complain from users or authority
• Complain from users or authoruity
When a user contacts the Advertiser complaining about an email received, the Affiliate must provide all the information needed in order to fill out a correct and complete answer. In the information must be included :
- Company details
- How the email was included in DB
- Domain on which partner is collecting email
- Privacy disclaimer
- Privacy opt-in/opt-out details
- Confirmation that the email was inser in partner blacklist
- All the information must be delivered in 72 hours.
• Spelling the brand
PLEASE ALWAYS RESPECT THE SPELLING OF THE BRAND NAME: Test-Aankoop, Test-Achats or any related brand of Test-Aankoop/Test-Achats.
• Sponsored blogs/ Marketing articles:
- Use of approved material
The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate will submit its proposal for approval prior to publication.
The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate will provide all the proposition details for the approval prior to publication: kind of communication, copy, graphic contents (i.e. banners,images, logo), links and url.
As of point 1.ii above mentioned, if the Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate wants to use another material or perform a change/add content to the existing one, it should submit it again for approval prior to publication.
- Content control
o The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate can’t use content that overlaps/duplicates the communication activity managed directly by the client on its official pages.
o Graphic materials such as the client’s logo, images, banners and layout can’t be replicated without authorization.
o It is absolutely forbidden to register and use domains containing the client’s brand. Any comments to the articles have to be checked and moderated prior to publication.
- Misleading communication
o The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate is not authorized to create and use incorrect content and any fake information whatsoever, in particular regarding the gifts, shipment timing and stock availability.
o A well-balanced communication is required and the Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate can not focus solely on the gift to push subscriptions.
o Any wrong or non compliant content that can be misleading and create Brand Image problems, will be immediately removed by the affiliate and the Affiliate will be immediately excluded from the program. Evolutionland and or the Client reserve their right to take legal action against the affiliate or Affiliate network in case of damage to the reputation of the brand and these leads won’t be paid.
o When asked to remove the proposition, the Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate can not refuse and has to remove immediately both related link and content.
• Social Sites:
- Use of approved material
o The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate that wants to use social sites will submit their proposal for approval prior to publication.
o The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate will provide all the proposition details for the approval prior to publication: kind of communication, copy, graphic contents (i.e. banners,images, logo), links and url
o As mentioned above, if the Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate wants to use anothermaterial or perform a change/add content to the existing one, it should submit it again for approval prior to publication.
o Unauthorized proposals will be automatically and immediately removed by the affiliate, both link and content.
- Content control
o The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate can’t use content that overlaps/duplicates the communication activity managed directly by the client on its official social sites.
o Graphic materials such as the client’s logo, images, banners and layout can’t be replicated without authorization.
o It is absolutely forbidden to register and use domains containing the client’s brand.
o Posts have to be checked and moderated prior to publication.
o It's forbidden to create parallel or fake profiles and fake reactions to promote and/or intermediate pages
o The content should mirror the real product and details of the offer and respective patent veracity of the terms and conditions (delivery time, etc).
- Misleading communication
o The Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate is not authorized to create and use incorrect content and fake information about the gift, shipment timing and stock availability.
o A well-balanced communication is required and the Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate can not focus solely on the free gift to push subscriptions.
o Any wrong or non compliant content that can be misleading and create Brand Image problems, will be immediately removed and the Affiliate will be immediately excluded from the program.
o When asked to remove the proposition, the Affiliate Network and/or the affiliate can not refuse and has to remove both related link and content.
o With 1 fake information about offer the content is considered misleading.
Wat is leadgeneration?