
BALZY affiliate program

BALZY is the European market leader in male grooming products. The innovative and super popular ManMower body trimmer is one of the most famous products from our range, which has now sold more than 120,000 units. Also our nose hair trimmer and the many delicious soaps and other grooming products are in demand. Perfect as a Saint Nicholas or Christmas gift, for Valentine's Day or simply as a gift to yourself. Poor personal care for men is the number 1 letdown for partners. Time to do something about it!

Advantages of the BALZY affiliateprogram:

  • :Order high quality products
  • Your order will be delivered the next day
  • We evaluate sales quickly
  • Everything is possible in terms of agreements and deals

We at BALZY are always open to a fun and unique collaboration. For questions, please contact our affiliate team at [email protected]

Hvad er affiliate markedsføring?

Har du en hjemmeside eller et andet medie, som du vil ønsker at tilknytte følgende affiliate program BALZY? Det første du skal gøre er at tilmelde dig Daisycon. Når du er godkendt til Daisycon og kampagnen, har du adgang til bannerne og linkmaterialet. Placer disse links eller bannere på dit websted. For hver besøgende, du videresender, som foretager en transaktion, tjener du penge på. Sådan virker affiliate markedsføring.

Læs mere om at blive publisher Daisycon, eller klik her for at tilmelde dig.

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Program data

  • Kommision EUR 0.00 8% - 14% EUR 0.00
  • SEM marketing tilladt
  • E-mail marketing tilladt
  • Rabatkoder tilladt
  • Product listing ads til dels tilladt
  • Cashback tilladt
    (mere information)

    Promotions that are not mentioned via the message centre or our newsletter are not allowed.

  • Sociale medier tilladt
  • Sub ID muligt
  • Produktfeed muligt
  • Deeplink muligt
  • Program aktiv siden 24-01-2022
  • Cookieperiode 100 dage
  • Aktiv i

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