Founded in 2010 by Stephan Gschöderer and Johannes Bankwitz, burgerme is one of the most successful and fastest-growing system catering companies in the industry with over 130 stores in Germany. The Munich-based company combines the two unbroken trends of "premium burgers" and "premium delivery" to create a unique concept.
The two founders and managing directors are still the heads of the burgerme family today and have consistently relied on franchising as a growth strategy from the very beginning. With sales of more than 110 million euros in 2023, burgerme has further increased its turnover. As a result, burgerme remains one of the most successful and fastest-growing system restaurants in the industry.
The two founders and managing directors are still the heads of the burgerme family today and have consistently relied on franchising as a growth strategy from the very beginning. With sales of more than 110 million euros in 2023, burgerme has further increased its turnover. As a result, burgerme remains one of the most successful and fastest-growing system restaurants in the industry.
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