is the largest site in the Netherlands where people can go if they want to obtain a theory certificate for their car, motorcycle or moped.
In addition to the full theory on this site, students can practice endlessly with their theory exam module. This module enables them to learn the theory in an easy, clear and cheap way in the CBR way. With more than 2,500 possible questions, one can optimally prepare for the real CBR theory exam.
With us almost everything is possible in consultation. Do you want to use email marketing? Then put a preview in the e-mail marketing tool and we try to approve it as soon as possible. A promotional code can be requested through the ticket system.
For more information, visit
In addition to the full theory on this site, students can practice endlessly with their theory exam module. This module enables them to learn the theory in an easy, clear and cheap way in the CBR way. With more than 2,500 possible questions, one can optimally prepare for the real CBR theory exam.
The benefits of the affiliate program
Become an affiliate of and receive a big fee for every sale through your website. Various packages can be purchased on the website to practice for a day, a week or two weeks.With us almost everything is possible in consultation. Do you want to use email marketing? Then put a preview in the e-mail marketing tool and we try to approve it as soon as possible. A promotional code can be requested through the ticket system.
For more information, visit
Hvad er affiliate markedsføring?
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