De Vakantiediscounter

De Vakantiediscounter affiliate program

Kampagner » Travel & Leisure » De Vakantiediscounter
dé VakantieDiscounter is since 2000 the online travel agency for guaranteed the best deal for your vacation. There are no hidden costs and as a customer you pay no booking fees. Dé VakantieDiscounter is affiliated with ANVR and SGR, which ensures certainty.

Not for nothing did Dé VakantieDiscounter grow to become the largest online travel agency in the Netherlands. The website was also voted the most popular travel website of 2022 and 2023.

Our own technical platform enables us to offer a large and diverse range of vacations with very high price availability. This, together with our user-friendly website, ensures highly competitive conversion rates and eCPCs.

The advantages of our affiliate program
The VakantieDiscounter is always looking for high-quality affiliate partners who can add value to our program with their unique reach.

As an affiliate partner you will receive a fee (commission) based on the commissionable book price. The more transactions realized per quarter, the higher the commission. The maximum commission per transaction is €150.
The levels below will be reviewed quarterly. Publishers will be informed of any adjustments to the commission and scales.

Transactions per quarter - Commission
Gold > 500 4.0%
Silver > 100 - 499 3.5%.
Standard 0 - 99 3.0%

This commission - combined with our strong conversion rate - ensures a strong eCPC in both the Netherlands and Belgium. For publishers active in both the Netherlands and Belgium, the combined number of transactions across both campaigns applies for the staffing allocation.

Program conditions

Judging of transactions
Transactions are vetted based on book date. We aim to inspect 30 days after the transaction date. Inspections take place weekly, usually on Fridays. Of course, this may vary occasionally.

Duplication of transactions
The VakantieDiscounter attaches great importance to the affiliate channel within its online media mix. Transactions will therefore only be rejected in the following cases:
- In case of incorrect and/or duplicate registrations (within the affiliate channel and/or other online media channels of dé VakantieDiscounter);
- Trip cancellations;
- In case of exceeding the program conditions.
Deduplication takes place based on last click counts against paid non-branded marketing campaigns. This does not apply to branded SEA campaigns, SEO traffic or direct traffic.

To still reward affiliate partners for their contribution to these deduplicated transactions, these bookings will not be rejected in their entirety. The respective bookings will be adjusted to 25% of the commission value. In practice, this ensures very few rejections and a high average eCPC.

Deduplication of transactions
The VakantieDiscounter attaches great value to the affiliate channel within its online media mix. Transactions are therefore only rejected in the following cases:
In case of incorrect and/or duplicate registrations (within the affiliate channel and/or other online media channels of dé VakantieDiscounter);
Trip cancellations;
In case of exceeding the program conditions.

Deduplication takes place based on last click counts against paid non-branded marketing campaigns. This does not apply to branded SEA campaigns, SEO traffic or direct traffic.
In order to still reward affiliate partners for their contribution to these deduplicated transactions, these bookings will not be rejected in their entirety. The relevant bookings will be adjusted to 25% of the commission value. In practice, this ensures very few rejections and a high average eCPC.

July/August deduplication.
The 25% deduplication fee does not apply to transactions with booking dates in the months of July and August due to intensive search behavior and high search volume.

Not allowed:
Keyword marketing. Ranking on brand name of dé VakantieDiscounter is not allowed. Pages with our brand name included should be placed on 'no-index'.

Advertising on or with our brand name or other forms of keyword marketing with our brand name/offering is also not allowed within our program.

Inframing and/or scrapping the VakantieDiscounter website.


Duplication of content. Copyright applies to our website(s), even if only a short excerpt. Use of images/text is allowed if provided by us or after explicit permission.

Get-paid-to sites, review sites, cashback sites and/or programs, coupon & discount code sites.

Publishers that act as (re)seller of (package) travel outside the deployment of an affiliate program.

Advertisements from social media (e.g. TikTok, Facebook or Instagram) with direct links to dé VakantieDiscounter.

Publishers who are only active on social media channels such as TikTok and Instagram and link directly (via Linktree, for example, or other websites with only links) to dé VakantieDiscounter website.

Impersonating dé VakantieDiscounter on social media or other online media channels, advertising networks or in any form of publication.

Direct links in non-sponsored (organic) posts on our own social media channels are only permitted if it is clear in the post that the link refers to a page within the dé VakantieDiscounter website.

Cookie dropping by excessive use of brand name. A maximum of 1 url about dé VakantieDiscounter is allowed per site. Multiple combinations of keywords + dé VakantieDiscounter are not allowed. Affiliate links from pages focused on our brand name must be distinguished from the other pages by means of click referer and will be excluded from transactions.

Marketing permitted after permission from dé VakantieDiscounter
Email marketing
The VakantieDiscounter reserves the right to revise already approved transactions e.g. in case of mass cancellations. Force majeure situations such as war, (natural) disasters, pandemics and strikes are not excluded.

Hvad er affiliate markedsføring?

Har du en hjemmeside eller et andet medie, som du vil ønsker at tilknytte følgende affiliate program De Vakantiediscounter? Det første du skal gøre er at tilmelde dig Daisycon. Når du er godkendt til Daisycon og kampagnen, har du adgang til bannerne og linkmaterialet. Placer disse links eller bannere på dit websted. For hver besøgende, du videresender, som foretager en transaktion, tjener du penge på. Sådan virker affiliate markedsføring.

Læs mere om at blive publisher Daisycon, eller klik her for at tilmelde dig.

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Program data

  • Kommision EUR 0.00 3% - 4% EUR 0.00
    (mere information)

    As an affiliate partner you will receive a fee (commission) based on the commissionable book price. The more transactions realized per quarter, the higher the commission. The maximum commission per transaction is €200.
    The levels below will be reviewed quarterly. Publishers will be informed of any adjustments to the commission and scales.

    Transactions per quarter - Commission
    Gold > 500 4.0%
    Silver > 100 - 499 3.5%.
    Standard 0 - 99 3.0%

  • SEM marketing ikke tilladt
  • E-mail marketing ikke tilladt
  • Rabatkoder ikke tilladt
  • Product listing ads ikke tilladt
  • Cashback ikke tilladt
    (mere information)

    Cashback and couponcodes aren't allowed

  • Sociale medier tilladt
    (mere information)

    Direct linking is not allowed.

  • Sub ID muligt
  • Produktfeed muligt
  • Deeplink muligt
  • Program aktiv siden 26-05-2014
  • Cookieperiode 30 dage
  • Aktiv i

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