
energiedirect affiliate program

Kampagner » Energy » energiedirect
The largest online energy supplier in the Netherlands is Energiedirect.nl, where you can arrange everything smartly online. Energiedirect.nl distinguishes itself by a simple, direct and competitively priced offer. From 1 July 2016 she is also main sponsor of football club PSV.

In the user environment 'Mijn energiedirect.nl', the customer is in control of his / her energy matters. In this way, costs are reduced and the customer receives competitive rates for electricity and gas in return.

Moreover, Energiedirect.nl is open about what to do and what to do. The customer comes first and the opinion of customers counts. As a customer, let them know what you think of Energiedirect.nl and they will get started right away.

Advantages of the energy direct affiliate program

  • Easily promoted thanks to the energy comparator from Daisycon
  • very attractive fee
  • good measurement time
  • the customer immediately chooses the best deal without having to switch. >
  • low monthly costs for the customer and no surprises afterwards

This advertiser deduplicates transactions from publishers with other channels

Hvad er affiliate markedsføring?

Har du en hjemmeside eller et andet medie, som du vil ønsker at tilknytte følgende affiliate program energiedirect? Det første du skal gøre er at tilmelde dig Daisycon. Når du er godkendt til Daisycon og kampagnen, har du adgang til bannerne og linkmaterialet. Placer disse links eller bannere på dit websted. For hver besøgende, du videresender, som foretager en transaktion, tjener du penge på. Sådan virker affiliate markedsføring.

Læs mere om at blive publisher Daisycon, eller klik her for at tilmelde dig.

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Program data

  • Kommision EUR 50.00 0% EUR 0.00
    (mere information)

    € 50,- CPS. Retention is not monetized

  • SEM marketing til dels tilladt
    (mere information)

    Brandbidding is not allowed

  • E-mail marketing tilladt
    (mere information)

    Please provide a preview in the e-mail approval tool

  • Rabatkoder tilladt
  • Product listing ads ikke tilladt
  • Cashback til dels tilladt
    (mere information)

    Only with permission.

  • Sociale medier ikke tilladt
    (mere information)

    Promotion on social media is not allowed

  • Sub ID muligt
  • Produktfeed ikke muligt
  • Deeplink muligt
  • Program aktiv siden 03-09-2008
  • Cookieperiode 14 dage
  • Aktiv i

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