Nr1Shops is a collection of various Number 1 Shops. With all Nr1Shops you can easily and quickly order the products you are looking for at a competitive price. The basis of the web shop is sports, we have several webshops that you can use to advertise as a publisher and what fits your target group best: Nr1FietsShop, Nr1WielerShop, Nr1MTBShop and Nr1SportvoedingShop.
The Number 1 Shops are each focused on 1 Sport, so we can provide the customer even better of the right offer and making it even more conversion oriented.
The Nr1 Shops brand range consists of various A-brands with which we only sell quality products. Several brands are for example: Sparta, Batavus, Cortina, Cervelo, Giant, Merida, Sensa, Castelli, Powerbar, Shimano.
In all Nr1 Shops the service to the customer is very important. If a customer has a question about a product, he/she speaks to an employee who also does cycling or MTB. In addition, bicycles are delivered ready for use to the customer and the customer can receive service / maintenance at home.
The Number 1 Shops are each focused on 1 Sport, so we can provide the customer even better of the right offer and making it even more conversion oriented.
The Nr1 Shops brand range consists of various A-brands with which we only sell quality products. Several brands are for example: Sparta, Batavus, Cortina, Cervelo, Giant, Merida, Sensa, Castelli, Powerbar, Shimano.
In all Nr1 Shops the service to the customer is very important. If a customer has a question about a product, he/she speaks to an employee who also does cycling or MTB. In addition, bicycles are delivered ready for use to the customer and the customer can receive service / maintenance at home.
Why promote the affiliate marketing campaign of
- Wide range of quality brands
- Good service
- Various payment options, including Afterpay, Ideal, Paypal etc.
- Conversion-oriented and competitive prices
- Quick inspection of Sales
Was ist Affiliate Marketing?
Haben Sie eine Webseite oder Medium mit dem Sie die Kampagne Nr1FietsShop Rijen bewerben möchten? Das ist möglich! Zunächst müssen Sie sich bei Daisycon anmelden. Nachdem Sie zum Netzwerk und zur Kampagne zugelassen wurden, haben Sie Zugang zu Bannern und Linkmaterial. Platzieren Sie diese Links oder Banner auf Ihrer Webseite. Für jeden Besucher, den Sie weiterleiten, und der zu einer Transaktion führt, erhalten Sie eine Belohnung. Dies wird Affiliate Marketing genannt.
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