TopGear Magazine is the leading car and lifestyle magazine in the Netherlands. The hilarious and humorous tone of the brand is strongly emphasized in this monthly magazine. With every month the coolest car news, the best car tests and great background stories!
Top offer: annual subscription to TopGear Magazine (12 issues) with 35% discount for only € 69.95.
The subscription is valid for at least the indicated promotional period and is automatically converted into a subscription for an indefinite period without timely cancellation. After the promotional period, the subscription can easily be cancelled on a monthly basis.
Top offer: annual subscription to TopGear Magazine (12 issues) with 35% discount for only € 69.95.
The subscription is valid for at least the indicated promotional period and is automatically converted into a subscription for an indefinite period without timely cancellation. After the promotional period, the subscription can easily be cancelled on a monthly basis.
Why do you opt for the TopGear affiliate campaign?
- Known brand with large numbers of visitors
- Multiple subscriptions with regular new top promotions
- High fee (12% equal to € 8.30 CPS)
Was ist Affiliate Marketing?
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