Teufel (FR)

Teufel (FR) Affiliate Programm

Kampagnen » Elektronik » Teufel (FR)

Welcome to the Teufel partner program: You & Teufel = one team.

Teufel is the expert from Berlin for audio products with a distinctive sound. Lovers of home cinema, stereo, streaming, multimedia, portable and headphones have been finding the best sound at the best price here for over 40 years.

Teufel's success story began in 1979 in Berlin, where we design and develop all our products to this day. In four decades, Teufel has grown from a secret tip for sound connoisseurs to a strong brand. Our goal has always been to make good sound affordable for everyone.

Since 2006, we have been Europe's largest audio manufacturer in direct sales - allowing fans from various countries to get to know and appreciate our products.

Our sound bars, home cinema sets, stereo speakers, headphones, bluetooth and streaming products regularly win awards from leading trade magazines and readership polls.

As an affiliate partner, you benefit from our direct sales model. Teufel is one of the best-known speaker manufacturers in Germany and our products are not available from any store or online store. In other words: Teufel is only available at Teufel!

With the Teufel attribution model, we guarantee fair and performance-related remuneration. The attribution model makes it possible to honour all advertising contacts of an affiliate who has been involved in a purchase. Depending on the share of the sale, you are then allocated part of the order value.

Facts & figures about the program:

  • Compensation via Teufel's own attribution model - based on the advertising performance of the net shopping cart value

  • Individual voucher codes / product deals and advertising material possible - Payment commission directly to your account - Average shopping cart value over €300; facts & figures about the Teufel webshop

  • Best value for money through direct sales

  • More than 100 different speaker sets in all price ranges

  • 8 Weeks return right = 8 weeks trial listening at home

  • 12 Years warranty on speakers and 24 months warranty on electronics

  • Excellent service through direct contact with the consumer

Was ist Affiliate Marketing?

Haben Sie eine Webseite oder Medium mit dem Sie die Kampagne Teufel (FR) bewerben möchten? Das ist möglich! Zunächst müssen Sie sich bei Daisycon anmelden. Nachdem Sie zum Netzwerk und zur Kampagne zugelassen wurden, haben Sie Zugang zu Bannern und Linkmaterial. Platzieren Sie diese Links oder Banner auf Ihrer Webseite. Für jeden Besucher, den Sie weiterleiten, und der zu einer Transaktion führt, erhalten Sie eine Belohnung. Dies wird Affiliate Marketing genannt.

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  • Vergütung EUR 0.00 8% EUR 0.00
  • Keywordmarketing erlaubt
    (Mehr Informationen)

    Next to all brand keywords it is not allowed to do keyword marketing on brand product names

  • E-mailmarketing erlaubt
  • Gutscheincodes erlaubt
  • Product listing ads teilweise erlaubt
  • Cashback erlaubt
  • Social media erlaubt
  • Sub ID möglich
  • Productfeed möglich
  • Deeplink möglich
  • Programm aktiv seit 21-10-2020
  • Messdauer 30 tage
  • Aktiv in


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