Ilse Jacobsen

Ilse Jacobsen Affiliate Programm

Kampagnen » Mode » Ilse Jacobsen
Ilse Jacobsen“It means a lot to me to have a peaceful and quiet mind. Something that I find in nature. The place where I find my inspiration. I would like to inspire you to do the same.

”For 25 years Ilse Jacobsen has been a household name in stylish rainwear.

She brings functionality and style together in one product, fitting both a life in the city and in nature. What once started with an innovative idea has grown into an international
lifestyle brand.

How it all began
Ilse Jacobsen was born and raised in Hornbæk, a small harbor town near Copenhagen. It is famous for its relaxed atmosphere, wide sandy beaches and dunes, and is also considered her great source of inspiration. If, like Ilse, you often find yourself in a watery environment, waterproof shoes are a necessity. Unable to find fashionable rain boots at the time, she started designing her own collection.

Raincoats, rainboots and more
In 1993 Ilse bought a small store in Hornbaek where she launched her first rain boot collection. Since then the company has grown rapidly. Today the collection consists of rainboots, lightweight raincoats, softshell raincoats with ecorepel® coating, clothing, loafers, slippers and accessories. The wide collection is a reflection of the Scandinavian lifestyle and soothing nature you find here. You can rely on beautiful designs with great attention to fit, comfort and functionality. With Ilse Jacobsen you will always look stylish and at the same time be protected from nature's elements.

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  • Vergütung EUR 0.00 8% EUR 0.00
  • Keywordmarketing erlaubt
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  • Programm aktiv seit 07-04-2021
  • Messdauer 30 tage
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