
Seniorentablet.nl Affiliate Programm

Kampagnen » Elektronik » Seniorentablet.nl
Seniorentablet.nl (SeniorenTAB) is the quality supplier of seniors tablets for the Netherlands and Belgium. We have been active for five years and are very proud that many thousands of seniors have used our devices to make digital contact with family or caregivers.

SeniorenTAB tablets have their own home screen with easy navigation, large icons with apps for video calls, weather, news, remote care plus games. The font is enlarged, as in the included detailed manual, and the customer can use the most patient helpdesk in the Benelux.

SeniorenTAB is part of Benmedia Group BV and its mission is to make the elderly digitally literate. Therefore, our helpdesk is completely focused on the elderly, we really make time for them and offer support and course material where we can.

Why promote the affiliate campaign from Seniorentablet.nl?

  • Average order value above €300
  • Quick approval of transactions
  • Regularly new promotional material
  • High customer satisfaction, few returns

Was ist Affiliate Marketing?

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  • Vergütung 4.00% - 10.00%
  • Keywordmarketing erlaubt
  • E-mailmarketing erlaubt
  • Gutscheincodes erlaubt
  • Product listing ads erlaubt
  • Cashback erlaubt
  • Social media erlaubt
  • Sub ID möglich
  • Productfeed möglich
  • Deeplink möglich
  • Programm aktiv seit 26-11-2021
  • Messdauer 100 tage
  • Aktiv in


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