Opnio (IT) Affiliate Programm
Ever feel like expressing your opinion?
By taking part in Opnio, you will earn money for answering questions and surveys. Furthermore, you will get a chance to express your opinion about interesting topics and get your opinion featured in the news.
The Opnio service is provided by the Finnish market research company Liidimedia Oy.
Participation is always completely free. You will always be rewarded when participating in surveys. The reward amount depends e.g. on the length of the survey. Taking a survey usually takes 5 to 20 minutes, and the reward amount is generally between 0.40 and 4 euros.
You can redeem your rewards after you have earned over 10 euros.
Offer your users the opportunity to earn money from surveys!
Ever feel like expressing your opinion?
By taking part in Opnio, you will earn money for answering questions and surveys. Furthermore, you will get a chance to express your opinion about interesting topics and get your opinion featured in the news.
The Opnio service is provided by the Finnish market research company Liidimedia Oy.
Participation is always completely free. You will always be rewarded when participating in surveys. The reward amount depends e.g. on the length of the survey. Taking a survey usually takes 5 to 20 minutes, and the reward amount is generally between 0.40 and 4 euros.
You can redeem your rewards after you have earned over 10 euros.
Was ist Affiliate Marketing?
Haben Sie eine Webseite oder Medium mit dem Sie die Kampagne Opnio (IT) bewerben möchten? Das ist möglich! Zunächst müssen Sie sich bei Daisycon anmelden. Nachdem Sie zum Netzwerk und zur Kampagne zugelassen wurden, haben Sie Zugang zu Bannern und Linkmaterial. Platzieren Sie diese Links oder Banner auf Ihrer Webseite. Für jeden Besucher, den Sie weiterleiten, und der zu einer Transaktion führt, erhalten Sie eine Belohnung. Dies wird Affiliate Marketing genannt.
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