Hout-Olie (NL)

Hout-Olie (NL) Affiliate Programm

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Hout-olie.nl / deCokerije originated from Restoration Company van Zaltbommel, where Ron van Zaltbommel has been carrying out restoration work on monumental buildings and furniture for years, preserving old techniques. He provided artisanal courses in various countries and supplied traditional materials throughout Europe. His driving force was the fact that these products have proven themselves for centuries and often still outperform modern mass-produced items in terms of quality, sustainability, and price.

During the trade fairs and demonstrations he participated in, it became apparent that people often lacked knowledge about the products they were working with. He also frequently encountered inferior products that were overly expensive. When he came into contact with a traditional oil refinery capable of producing high-quality products from natural raw materials, the initiative for Hout-olie.nl / deCokerije was quickly born.

Based on his experience, he developed a range of oil products that:

Meet the highest quality standards.
Contain exclusively natural, sustainable raw materials.
Contain little or no solvents.
Are easy to work with.
Can be easily and substantiated explained to the user.
The result of this initiative was "Hout-olie.nl / deCokerije". The name refers to the artisanal process of cooking the various types of oil and resins, giving each product the specific properties desired for its application.

When he embarked on this adventure in 2012, he was still working on the scaffolding to carry out his restoration work. Hout-olie.nl / deCokerije now exports its products to more than 6 countries. Ron has long since ceased to work on the scaffolding, but he still contributes to various large and small projects, making the best choices for finishing projects every day.

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  • Vergütung 14.00%
  • Keywordmarketing erlaubt
  • E-mailmarketing erlaubt
  • Gutscheincodes erlaubt
  • Product listing ads erlaubt
  • Cashback erlaubt
  • Social media erlaubt
  • Sub ID möglich
  • Productfeed möglich
  • Deeplink möglich
  • Programm aktiv seit 22-03-2024
  • Messdauer 100 tage
  • Aktiv in


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