
Recharge.fr Affiliate Programm

Kampagnen » Games & E-Sport » Recharge.fr
Recharge.fr is the ultimate platform for mobile top-ups, digital gift cards, and prepaid card top-ups in Germany. We make buying prepaid products easier than ever. Payment options include major credit cards, digital wallets like Apple Pay and PayPal, and online payment methods like Carte Bancaire.

Recharge.fr is trusted by customers for its fast, safe, simple offering. Popular products include:

Top-up voucher codes for popular mobile operators
Gaming gift cards for a wide range of platforms and online games
Prepaid payment card codes

On Recharge.fr and in the Recharge.fr app, buying prepaid products is quick and easy, with instant digital delivery of gift cards and top-ups.

Recharge.fr is an official reseller for top brands like paysafecard, PlayStation Store, Netflix, Amazon, and Adidas. Some customers buy prepaid products from us as gifts, others to control their own spending. The privacy and security that prepaid payment methods offer are also key reasons customers choose Recharge.fr.
Why promote Recharge.fr?

Wide range of products
Whether your audience includes gamers, people with friends and family overseas, or simply budget-conscious shoppers, our wide product selection has something for everyone.

High conversion rate
The slick interface on Recharge.fr and ultra-fast in-app experience make buying and re-ordering prepaid products easier than ever, keeping conversions and affiliate revenue high.

Was ist Affiliate Marketing?

Haben Sie eine Webseite oder Medium mit dem Sie die Kampagne Recharge.fr bewerben möchten? Das ist möglich! Zunächst müssen Sie sich bei Daisycon anmelden. Nachdem Sie zum Netzwerk und zur Kampagne zugelassen wurden, haben Sie Zugang zu Bannern und Linkmaterial. Platzieren Sie diese Links oder Banner auf Ihrer Webseite. Für jeden Besucher, den Sie weiterleiten, und der zu einer Transaktion führt, erhalten Sie eine Belohnung. Dies wird Affiliate Marketing genannt.

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  • Vergütung EUR 0.00 2% - 4% EUR 0.00
    (Mehr Informationen)

    3.00 % CPS for existing customers
    5.00 % CPS for new customers

  • Keywordmarketing erlaubt
  • E-mailmarketing erlaubt
  • Gutscheincodes erlaubt
  • Product listing ads verboten
  • Cashback erlaubt
  • Social media erlaubt
  • Sub ID möglich
  • Productfeed möglich
  • Deeplink möglich
  • Programm aktiv seit 20-08-2024
  • Messdauer 100 tage
  • Aktiv in


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