Lavida Travel

Lavida Travel Affiliate Programm

Kampagnen » Reisen » Lavida Travel
At www.lavidatravel.nl you will find the best trips for the lowest prices! Lavida Travel has a wide range of holiday destinations and offers a unique savings system for its loyal customers. Sun holidays, long trips or winter sports - you can easily find all the offers on one website!

Lavida Travel combines the advantages of online with the service of a travel agency. For more than 7 years Lavida Travel has been an established name in the travel industry that stands for price and quality.

To guarantee our quality, we ask our customers to leave a review about us and the holiday. These more than 3000 reviews show a high degree of customer satisfaction. Lavida Travel has of course won the Zoover awards in 2017 and in 2018 for the category “Best Travel Agency”!

Lavida Travel is an independent travel agency and offers many major Dutch and German tour operators, including: TUI, Neckermann Reizen, Corendon, Alltours, Isropa, Floow Travel, Club Med and Sunair.

About Lavida Travel's affiliate program:

  • Interesting fees - no maximum!
  • Competitive prices and lowest price guarantee
  • Reliable partner and ANVR / SGR
  • Wide range and almost all tour operators on one website
  • Own products
  • Unique savings system for all customers
  • Winner Zoover Awards 2017 & 2018

Why choose Lavida Travel

Lavida Travel offers affiliated partners attractive reimbursements of 3.00% or 4.00% without a maximum amount! The fees are assessed by the number of bookings and are indicated as follows:
  • Standard: 3.0% CPS
  • Silver: 5 to 9 bookings 3.5% CPS
  • Gold: 10+ bookings 4.0% CPS

Lavida Travel is of course also affiliated with the ANVR and the SGR, so that consumers can book with confidence!

Was ist Affiliate Marketing?

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  • Vergütung EUR 0.00 3% - 4% EUR 0.00
  • Keywordmarketing erlaubt
  • E-mailmarketing erlaubt
    (Mehr Informationen)

    preview to [email protected].

  • Gutscheincodes verboten
  • Product listing ads verboten
  • Cashback verboten
  • Social media erlaubt
  • Sub ID möglich
  • Productfeed möglich
  • Deeplink möglich
  • Programm aktiv seit 15-01-2013
  • Messdauer 31 tage
  • Aktiv in


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