Solmar (NL)

Solmar (NL) Affiliate Programm

Kampagnen » Reisen » Solmar (NL)
The Spain Specialist
Solmar has been a Dutch tour operator since 1984, specializing in bus trips to the Spanish Costas. Thanks to our many years of experience, we are a specialist and market leader on the Costa. In addition to the fact that Solmar offers the cheapest bus trips, Solmar also offers affordable flight holidays and private transport trips.

At Solmar, unburdening the holidaymaker is central. Solmar, for example, specializes in family holidays. From pick-up close to home to drop-off at the hotel, we try to unburden the customer as much as possible. Everything for an unforgettable and carefree holiday. For example, Solmar has its own transferium for our bus trips, with more than 48 different pick-up points in the Netherlands and Belgium. We have modern, luxurious and comfortable Royal Class coaches and the even more luxurious First Class coaches that bring thousands of people safely to their holiday destination every year.

Keep improving
A holiday is carefree relaxation. At Solmar we do everything we can to ensure that you can fully enjoy the sun-drenched Costa. At Solmar we find customer contact and satisfaction very important. This is how we take into account the needs of our customers. Giving extra attention to the customer, to give them a carefree holiday, is always of paramount importance to us.

Our Dutch-speaking travel specialists in Spain have years of knowledge of the destinations and are in close contact with the hotels. In this way, customers can be guided to their destination, be informed about the journey and book the possible sights and excursions. This is how we provide our customers with extra help, knowledge and the necessary communication on holiday.

Was ist Affiliate Marketing?

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  • Vergütung 3.50% - 5.00%
  • Keywordmarketing verboten
  • E-mailmarketing teilweise erlaubt
  • Gutscheincodes verboten
  • Product listing ads verboten
  • Cashback verboten
  • Social media erlaubt
  • Sub ID möglich
  • Productfeed möglich
  • Deeplink möglich
  • Programm aktiv seit 29-11-2022
  • Messdauer 31 tage
  • Aktiv in


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