

Cookie statement

Affiliate marketing cookies and cookies on daisycon.com

Affiliate Marketing

Latest update: 01-09-2019

To perform our services, we use cookies. Please take a moment to read about the cookies that we use and for what purpose.

We offer our advertisers the opportunity to engage in performance-based marketing. Performance-based marketing is a fair form of online marketing where the advertiser only compensates actual and measurable results. To make this happen, a match must be made between the publisher who redirected the visitor and the Transaction that is generated at the Advertiser. To be able to register this transaction, we use an “Affiliate cookie”

Affiliate cookie

In short, the affiliate cookie allows us to see through which advertisement a customer came to an advertiser’s website.

The affiliate cookie serves a specific purpose, namely making a match between publisher and advertiser. Former Minister Kamp of Economic Affairs has said the following about this:

“Affiliate cookies are not meant to collect information about the user, but about the affiliate; which affiliate is entitled to the compensation because his advertisement has led to a sale. If the information obtained with affiliate cookies is only used for these purposes, this will have no or hardly any consequences for the privacy of the internet user and thus this type of cookies falls under the exception.”

Minister Kamp, Economic Affairs, May 2013.

With “the exception” the minister means the exception in the Telecommunications Act. Affiliate cookies are exempt from this law, which means that the advertiser, publisher or affiliate network does not have to request permission before an affiliate cookie is placed. In addition, we collect virtually no personal data and we need the data we collect, through an affiliate cookie, to perform our services. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we, therefore, act on the processing basis “Justifiable Interest”. As a result, we do not need explicit permission from the consumer to perform the matching. This also applies to the processing of this data if a visitor from the publisher’s website clicks through to the advertiser, through one of our domains. For passing on the matching data, we, together with the advertiser, act as Data Responsible. For this, we have a standard processor agreement available, we kindly refer to our privacy page.

Text templates advertisers and publishers

The advertiser or publisher must inform it’s visitors about the use of affiliate cookies and the use of matching data. For this we have prepared two texts that can be used by advertisers and publishers to inform their visitors. In our turn, we will inform visitors as much as possible and point out our privacy statement and cookie policy.

Texts for advertisers

  • General text
  • Optional text: cross device matching
  • Exceptions

<start general text>

[NAME ADVERTISER] uses the performance-based marketing service of Daisycon. Performance-based marketing is a fair form of advertising because the advertiser only compensates for actual and measurable results. In order to be able to compensate for this measurable result, a match must be made between the publisher/website that has redirected the visitor and the transaction that was generated as a result.

To use this service, we provide anonymous transaction data to Daisycon. This data concerns; product descriptions, sales value, and demographic and geographical features. These cannot be traced to a person and are only used for statistical purposes and shared with Daisycon. In addition to the anonymous transaction data, we provide the following data that fall under the GDPR; 1) pseudonymized transaction IDs. These transaction IDs are not shared with third parties and are only used by us for validation purposes. 2) Through the technical process, your IP address is also passed on to Daisycon. This address is only stored anonymously in the Daisycon system.

For the above service, our partner Daisycon stores data and affiliate cookies and matching processes are used. The use of affiliate cookies, matching data and the storage of data does not endanger the privacy of the visitor to this website. See the Daisycon privacy statement on this.

No consumer profiles (behavioral user profiles) are created via Daisycon’s services. With regard to the data processing within the GDPR, we rely on the basis for processing entitled legitimate interest. We must, however, inform our visitors about the use. A processing agreement has been concluded with Daisycon for the storage and processing of this transaction data.

<end of text>

Optional: Additional text “cross-device matching”

We offer our advertisers the opportunity to make a cross-device match between the click at the publisher and the transaction at the advertiser. If you as an advertiser use this option, you must add the text below to the standard text.

<start text>

3) (hashed) the e-mail address and / or pseudonymized account id.
This data is not stored by Daisycon but immediately converted into anonymous hashes. This data is not shared with third parties. This data is only used in the process of allocating transactions.

<end of text>


Some advertisers decide to provide personal data in the conversion pixel. However, we strongly advise advertisers not to do this. If personal data is nevertheless shared with Daisycon, your privacy statement must explicitly state which information you share with Daisycon and the purpose of this.

Texts for publishers

  • General text
  • Optional: Sub-ID’s with account information
  • Optionel: Pre-filling

<start general text>

This website uses the services of Daisycon to promote advertisers through performance-based advertising. Performance-based advertising is a fair form of advertising because an advertiser only pays for actual and measurable results. To be able to perform this service, our partner Daisycon uses affiliate cookies and matching data. With these cookies, a match can be made between the transaction at the advertiser and this website. As a result, Daisycon knows that this website must receive a fee.

Upon registering this fee, this website will have access to basic, anonymous transaction data. This data may only be stored and/or edited by this website in order to promote the advertiser concerned more effectively or to perform statistical analyzes. This website ensures that stored data is adequately secured and complies with applicable privacy guidelines and legislation. We have explained this to Daisycon by accepting the General Publisher Terms and Conditions.

The use of affiliate cookies and the storage of anonymous transaction data does not endanger the privacy of the visitor to this website. According to the Telecommunications Act and the GDPR, no permission is required for this. With regard to the data processing within the GDPR, we rely on the basis for processing entitled Legitimate interest. We must, however, inform our visitors about the use. Visit www.daisycon.com/en/legal/ to read more about affiliate cookies and Daisycon’s privacy policy.

<end of text>

Optional: additional texts

Sub-ID with account information

If you, as a publisher, provide information about your visitors in the subID then you must have permission to use this information and to clearly inform the visitor about this. You can, for example, add the text below to your privacy statement. .Read more about the use of sub IDs and the GDPR.

<start text>

This website uses the ability to optimize its marketing data by passing on account data [SPECIFY THE DATA] of our users, pseudonymized, to the Daisycon system. This data can only be viewed by us and will NOT be shared with third parties. This data is only used by us to improve our services. With regard to storing the data in the Daisycon system, a processor agreement has been concluded for the GDPR.

<end of text> 


If you, as a publisher, prefill data on the advertiser’s website, you must first agree to this with Daisycon and the advertiser. You must have permission to use the data and clearly inform the visitor about this. You can, for example, add the text below to your privacy statement. Read more about prefilling and the GDPR.

<start text>

This website uses the possibility to optimize its services by passing on data from our users via the Daisycon system to the website of advertisers (target site). This data is only used to pass on the target site, calculations made on our site or completed data. [SPECIFY THE DATA].

This data is only used to increase the usability of the website for our visitors. The transfer of this data has been agreed in advance with Daisycon and the relevant advertiser.

<end of text>



We store as little data as possible for our matching technology (privacy by design). Data that we do store is anonymous as much as possible and is treated and protected with the utmost care and, of course, not sold to third parties. We do not use the data to create behavioral customer profiles.

The affiliate cookies and the data of advertisers are only used to be able to measure which publisher has referred a visitor to the website of an advertiser. We store the cookies for a maximum of 1 year.

List of affiliate cookies

The duration of the affiliate cookies is linked to the actual maximum measurement duration of a campaign. The maximum measurement duration is 1 year.


Affiliate cookie (session) Daisycon

Purpose: Guarantee the uniqueness of the visitor and measure whether a transaction is generated from the click within the session with the advertiser.

Data: Random unique number (no data).

  • DCI, PDC

Affiliate cookie Daisycon

Purpose: Guarantee uniqueness of the visitor and measure whether a Transaction is generated at the advertiser from the click within the session.

Data: Random unique number (no data).

  • ci_{program_ID} , ca_{program_ID} , si_{program_ID}

Affiliate cookie Daisycon

Purpose: Guarantee uniqueness of the visitor and measure whether a Transaction is generated at the advertiser from the click within the session.

Data: Random unique number, date + time, Program_id (advertiser), Cartlock (used to determine which publisher should receive the fee), Link_id (which link is used), Website_id (publisher), Sub ID (a variable that the publisher can determine).

  • __cfduid

Functional cookie

Purpose: We use this cookie to identify secure web traffic with the Cloudflare service.

Data: It has no function in the matching process and contains no personal information.

Transaction data at Affiliate Marketing

If a transaction is generated via the link of publishers affiliated with Daisycon, the advertiser passes on transaction data to Daisycon. The transaction data is stored in MyDaisycon. We need this information to:

  • be able to give the publisher the correct remuneration for his or her promotion.
  • have the transactions validated by the advertiser.
  • optimize the promotion by publishers and advertisers.

We make a difference between data that is 100% anonymous and data that can be traced back to a person in theory. For our service Affiliate Marketing, we do not store personal data directly, but some Transaction data, or in combination with other data, may be traceable to a person.

By anonymous transaction data, we mean product descriptions, sales/commission values and demographic and geographical characteristics that cannot be traced to a person.This transaction data is shared with publisher (s) who have contributed to the Transaction. Data that is shared is always anonymous and can never be traced to a person.

In addition to the anonymous transaction data, the advertiser can provide a Transaction ID from his system for internal control purposes. This Transaction ID can be traced by the advertiser to a person and is, therefore, personal data. This Transaction ID is not shared with the publisher, but is replaced by an anonymous Daisycon Transaction ID. The IP address is passed on to us through the technical process. This address is only stored anonymously in the Daisycon system.

For processing the Transaction Data, we act as Data Processor for the advertiser. We have drawn up a standard Processor Agreement for this, please visit the Privacy page for these.

Our General Publisher Conditions, which publishers must accept before they can register with our network, stipulate that Transaction and Click Data may only be stored and / or edited by the publisher in order to be able to promote the advertiser more effectively. In addition, the data must be adequately secured. Also, they must act in accordance with the processing agreement that they have entered into with us.

Use of this data by publishers and advertisers

We strongly recommend that our publishers and advertisers refer to this cookie policy on their websites where they use the services of Daisycon. Information from this cookie policy may be used to inform visitors. However, we do advise publishers and advertisers to make a referral to this page only.

This information may change due to rapid technological developments. We reserve the right to add, remove or modify information to this cookie policy without notice.

Functional cookies

Analysis Website

In addition to the data storage and cookies that we use for our services, we also have our own media (such as this website) on which cookies are used.

On this website (and Daisycon websites that refer to this section) we use an analysis tool (Google Analytics) that uses cookies to measure how many visitors come to this website and which pages they visit. This allows us to perform analyzes to improve our website. The data is not used for any other purpose than improving the website. This data is not shared with third parties and is also available within the Daisycon organization only for a limited number of people who are involved in optimizing this website.

The cookies do not contain data that can be traced to people. The tool used is configured in such a way that it does not store any personal data. As a result, these so-called “Analytic cookies” fall under the exception in the Telecommunications Act, as a result of which no permission is required to place these cookies in advance.

Daisycon uses the services of Leadinfo. Thanks to their service, visitors to the website are recognized based on their IP address. Insight is provided into whether there are recurring visits and which pages are visited. More information about this can be found on the Leadinfo website.

Remember password

For visitors to our website that require to log in, it is possible to save the password. To make this possible, we must place two cookies on your computer. A cookie that contains the username and one cookie that contains the encrypted password. These cookies are not used for purposes other than saving a password. These cookies are so-called “functional cookies”. According to the Telecommunications Act, no prior permission is required for the placement and/or use of functional cookies.

Language selection

Our website(s) are available in different languages. The cookie for the language selection ensures that the last language selected is remembered. This cookie is a so-called “functional cookie”. According to the Telecommunications Act, no prior permission is required for the placement and / or use of functional cookies.

Storage of data on the website

On this website, visitors have several options to leave data. For example, they can fill in the contact form and subscribe to the newsletter. Daisycon uses the services of Hubspot for the contact forms on this website. Via these forms we will process your personal contact details. We save this information for a maximum of 12 months after you have sent the contact form to us. Data is stored securely. The same security level applies to this website as to Daisycon services.

Information sent will be treated confidentially. We can, however, use your contact details to contact you. Data will not be shared outside the organization. In order to detect abuse, part of the IP address is stored in some cases.

List of functional cookies on our website(s)

  • lang

Purpose: To remember the language choice of the website.
Posted by: Daisycon
Type: Functional cookie (Essential to remember the language choice)
Cookie time: 15 days

  • username

Purpose: Remember username when logging in.
Posted by: Daisycon
Type: Functional cookie (Will only be placed if chosen)
Cookie time: 1 year

  • password

Purpose: Onthouden van de taalkeuze van de website.
Posted by: Daisycon
Type: Functional cookie (Will only be placed if chosen)
Cookie time: 1 year


Purpose: To measure how long someone is on the site so that other functionalities can be used.
Posted by: Daisycon
Type: Functional cookie (Essential for the operation of the website).
Cookie time: 3 hours

  • __cfduid

Purpose: To identify secure web traffic with the Cloudflare service.
Posted by: Cloudflare
Type: Functional cookie (Essential for the safety of the website).
Cookie time: 30 days

  • __utma

Purpose: Website statistics
Posted by: Google
Type: Google Analytics
Cookie time: 2 years

  • __utmb

Purpose: Website statistics
Posted by: Google
Type: Google Analytics
Cookie time: 30 minutes

  • __utmc

Purpose: Website statistics
Posted by: Google
Type: Google Analytics
Cookie time: End of session

  • __utmv

Purpose: Website statistics
Posted by: Google
Type: Google Analytics
Cookie time: 2 years

  • __utmz

Purpose: Website statistics
Posted by: Google
Type: Google Analytics
Cookie time: 6 months

Click here for more information about Google Analytics

  • _li_id

Purpose: Website statistics
Posted by: Leadinfo BV
Type: Behavioural analytics
Cookie time: Two years

  • _li_ses

Purpose: Website statistics
Posted by: Leadinfo BV
Type: Behavioural analytics
Cookie time: End of session

Click here for more information about Leadinfo

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