Daisycon: Boekhoudsoftware-vergelijker

Daisycon: Boekhoudsoftware-vergelijker affiliate program

Campaigns » Business-to-Business » Daisycon: Boekhoudsoftware-vergelijker
Daisycon has a large number of advertisers who offer accounting software for entrepreneurs.
A comparison tool is ideal for choosing the right software: entrepreneurs who are looking for accounting software naturally have different requirements, while the software suppliers offer different packages. Almost all accounting software is in any case built up from modules. Additional costs can be charged if you want to log in with multiple users, while you pay extra for more functionalities with others. Some offer a handy app.
Quite a few packages are free to use, although there are always restrictions. For example, it is only free of charge if you are a starting entrepreneur or there is a limit to the number of invoices that you can enter.

In order to arrive at a good and objective comparison with these variables, we have made five 'arrow men'. On the basis of this, the visitor can click on which situation most applies to him or her and then see the corresponding packages and prices.

By default, the accounting packages are shown first. Many providers also have an invoicing module. In the three tabs at the top of the comparator, the visitor can switch between the accounting packages, invoicing modules, or a combination of both. Some accounting programs have an invoicing module as standard, which is why it is also on the list if you only view accounting programs.

The visitor can also select additional requirements in the filter menu. We've added the options common to many accounting software. Sometimes these options cost will be charged with an extra fee.

This tool is super easy and fast to implement on your media via the WordPress plugin or by generating your code in the Daisycon interface configurator. Click through to the Configurator in the Material menu ‘Widgets’ and immediately see what you can adjust for the perfect integration in the look and feel of your website.

Set the preference filters yourself, and see immediately how the tool works out on different devices.
Conversion-oriented design with fast loading time.

Daisycon and its partners take care of the content and maintenance so that the offer of the best advertisers is always displayed up-to-date on your website.

To use these tools, you must agree to the Daisycon terms and conditions regarding comparators and widgets. You do this automatically by including the tool. The conditions can be found under 'Accept Terms'.

Daisycon charges 20% of the publisher commission for using this tool. This is automatically processed in the registered transactions.

What is affiliate marketing?

Do you have a website or other medium with which you want to promote the Daisycon: Boekhoudsoftware-vergelijker affiliate program? You can! The first thing you have to do is sign up with Daisycon. After you have been admitted to Daisycon and the campaign, you will have access to the banners and the link material. Place these links or banners on your website. For every visitor you forward that makes a transaction, you will receive a nice fee. This is called affiliate marketing.

Read more about become a publisher at Daisycon, or click here to register directly.

Start promoting

Don't have an account with Daisycon yet, but do you want to promote the program of Daisycon: Boekhoudsoftware-vergelijker? Sign up directly here.

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Program data

  • Commission EUR 0.00 0% EUR 0.00
    (more information)

    The fee is the standard or higher fee of the relevant campaign or a higher fee.

    A contribution to the development and maintenance of 20% is levied. Distribution publisher / tools development 80/20

  • Keywordmarketing partially allowed
    (more information)

    See the campaign conditions of the advertisers in the tool.

  • Email marketing partially allowed
    (more information)

    See the campaign conditions of the advertisers in the tool.

  • Coupon codes is allowed
  • Product listing ads not allowed
  • Cashback partially allowed
    (more information)

    No compensation for clicks/leads/transactions allowed.

  • Social media partially allowed
    (more information)

    See the campaign conditions of the advertisers in the tool.

  • Sub ID possible
  • Productfeed not possible
  • Deeplink not possible
  • Program active since 01-08-2021
  • Measuring time 100 days
  • Active in


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