Natuurlijk Presteren was founded by a Biobased Chemist (chemistry on a natural basis), who specializes in nutrition and natural food supplements. The compositions of the natural nutritional supplements that this company sells are always based on scientific research. The supplements really work, contain only the very best ingredients and are on a natural basis. This is the reason why Natuurlijk Presteren has so many regular, satisfied customers (rated on average with a 9.2 / 10).
The most popular nutritional supplements from Natuurlijk Presteren include the natural sleeping pills (Nachtrust & Voting Premium), the study pills (Concentration boost), the natural Serotonin Booster (Serobooster) and the delicious Green Juice (HealthBoost Green Juice).
In addition to the fact that Natuurlijk Presteren applies an attractive commission, they also use attractive upsells. As a result, the average order value rises considerably, which is very favorable for the publisher (the higher the order value, the higher the commission).
In addition, a publisher always wants to send his / her website visitors to a reliable company that acts honestly and sincerely. Natuurlijk Presteren is an honest and reliable company that delivers high quality products.
The conversion rate at the Natuurlijk Presteren shop is also extremely high compared to the national average. On average, this company has a conversion rate of 3 to 8% depending on the product. This makes the Affiliate Marketing Program of Natuurlijk Presteren extra attractive.
The benefits for Publishers:
The benefits of Natuurlijk Presteren:
The most popular nutritional supplements from Natuurlijk Presteren include the natural sleeping pills (Nachtrust & Voting Premium), the study pills (Concentration boost), the natural Serotonin Booster (Serobooster) and the delicious Green Juice (HealthBoost Green Juice).
Why promote the Affiliate Program of Natuurlijk Presteren?
In addition to the fact that Natuurlijk Presteren applies an attractive commission, they also use attractive upsells. As a result, the average order value rises considerably, which is very favorable for the publisher (the higher the order value, the higher the commission).
In addition, a publisher always wants to send his / her website visitors to a reliable company that acts honestly and sincerely. Natuurlijk Presteren is an honest and reliable company that delivers high quality products.
The conversion rate at the Natuurlijk Presteren shop is also extremely high compared to the national average. On average, this company has a conversion rate of 3 to 8% depending on the product. This makes the Affiliate Marketing Program of Natuurlijk Presteren extra attractive.
The benefits for Publishers:
- Very high commission
- High average order value (€ 50) i.c.m. high conversion rate (3 to 7%)
- Hardly any packages are returned (max. 0.5%)
- Payments are approved quickly
- High quality promotional material
- Customized promotions, promotional material and emails
The benefits of Natuurlijk Presteren:
- Products are developed & selected by Biobased Chemist
- Very high customer satisfaction (9.2 / 10 via WebwinkelKeur)
- Free shipping from € 39
- Orders placed before 3:00 pm are shipped on business days
- Personal approach & good customer service
What is affiliate marketing?
Do you have a website or other medium with which you want to promote the affiliate program? You can! The first thing you have to do is sign up with Daisycon. After you have been admitted to Daisycon and the campaign, you will have access to the banners and the link material. Place these links or banners on your website. For every visitor you forward that makes a transaction, you will receive a nice fee. This is called affiliate marketing.
Read more about become a publisher at Daisycon, or click here to register directly.