Toyota Private Lease

Toyota Private Lease affiliate program

Campaigns » Automotive » Toyota Private Lease
Toyota maakt autorijden voor iedereen bereikbaar. En loopt al decennia voorop als het gaat om de ontwikkeling van hybride technologie. Daarom zijn de nieuwste generatie hybrides van Toyota nóg zuiniger en krachtiger.

Toyota makes driving a car accessible for everyone. They are decades ahead of the competition when it comes to developing hybrid technologies. That is why the new generation of hybrids are more fuel efficient and powerfull.

Should you have any questions, requests or ideas regarding the affiliate program, you can always contact us through the Daisycon ticket system or by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Terms and conditions:

Self created banners etc. should be approved first. You can send these to [email protected]

What is affiliate marketing?

Do you have a website or other medium with which you want to promote the Toyota Private Lease affiliate program? You can! The first thing you have to do is sign up with Daisycon. After you have been admitted to Daisycon and the campaign, you will have access to the banners and the link material. Place these links or banners on your website. For every visitor you forward that makes a transaction, you will receive a nice fee. This is called affiliate marketing.

Read more about become a publisher at Daisycon, or click here to register directly.

Start promoting

Don't have an account with Daisycon yet, but do you want to promote the program of Toyota Private Lease? Sign up directly here.

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Program data

  • Commission EUR 50.00 0% EUR 0.00
    (more information)

    €50,- CPL for applications

  • Keywordmarketing is allowed
    (more information)

    When linking from the advertisement to its own website / intermediate page (no automatic interstitial, automatic linking).
    If the required negative keywords are entered to exclude the situations below.
    Not allowed:
    Bidding on advertiser's brand names or related terms / misspellings thereof.
    If keyword buying is used, the correct negative keywords must be entered. Affiliates advertisements may not be displayed on search terms that include Advertisers' trademarks
    This concerns the exact brand, brand of misspelling forms and brand names in combination with other words.
    Use of advertiser's brand names or combinations thereof, related / misspellings in ad text and / or visible URL in the form of domain or subdomain (toyota.domainname.nl is therefore not allowed, domainname.nl/toyota is allowed).

  • Email marketing is allowed
    (more information)

    Email marketing is permitted within Volkswagen's affiliate program, provided that emails are submitted for review ([email protected]). Volkswagen reserves the right to reject orders when an email has not been submitted for verification.

  • Coupon codes not allowed
  • Product listing ads partially allowed
  • Cashback not allowed
    (more information)

    Cashback on the click or lead is not allowed.

  • Social media partially allowed
    (more information)

    Indicate that Toyota does not own the account and is not responsible for the information on this page

    Not allowed:
    Affiliates are not allowed to present themselves as an official representation of the Advertiser in their promotion via social media.
    Affiliates who use their promotional activities via social media sources such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook or Instagram may not register usernames in which Advertisers appear trademarks without prior written permission.
    It is not permitted to use offline marketing activities or press releases in the name of the Advertiser without prior written permission.
    Use of logos or trademark material in account / profile on Social Media sites is not permitted.
    The Toyota website may not be loaded into an iframe within social media apps, pages or profiles.

    Acting as 3rd party / in their own name and collecting Toyota offers (but not directly linking).
    Use of social media for traffic to your own website.
    Refer to the official Toyota accounts to increase customer relevance.

  • Sub ID possible
  • Productfeed possible
  • Deeplink possible
  • Program active since 03-04-2020
  • Measuring time 100 days
  • Active in


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