KPN Residential NL – 40171

KPN Residential NL – 40171 affiliate program

Campaigns » Telecom » KPN Residential NL – 40171
Het netwerk van Nederland

Nederland digitaliseert in razend tempo. We winkelen online, werken vaker thuis en regelen steeds meer zaken digitaal. Ook bijvoorbeeld zorg en onderwijs. Veilig, betrouwbaar en snel internet wordt daarom steeds belangrijker. KPN wil van Nederland het best verbonden land ter wereld maken.

KPN wil de betrouwbare digitale partner zijn voor consumenten en bedrijven in Nederland. Dit doen we door alles uit onze netwerken te halen en onze uitrol van glasvezel en de modernisering van ons mobiele netwerk te versnellen. We gaan voorop in de digitalisering van Nederland en verbinden iedereen via 5G en glasvezel. Door een uitstekende digitale klantervaring, krijgt de klant de beste service.

What is affiliate marketing?

Do you have a website or other medium with which you want to promote the KPN Residential NL – 40171 affiliate program? You can! The first thing you have to do is sign up with Daisycon. After you have been admitted to Daisycon and the campaign, you will have access to the banners and the link material. Place these links or banners on your website. For every visitor you forward that makes a transaction, you will receive a nice fee. This is called affiliate marketing.

Read more about become a publisher at Daisycon, or click here to register directly.

Start promoting

Don't have an account with Daisycon yet, but do you want to promote the program of KPN Residential NL – 40171? Sign up directly here.

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Program data

  • Commission EUR 15.00 - 95.00 0% EUR 0.00
  • Keywordmarketing not allowed
  • Email marketing partially allowed
  • Coupon codes is allowed
  • Product listing ads not allowed
  • Cashback partially allowed
  • Social media is allowed
  • Sub ID possible
  • Productfeed not possible
  • Deeplink possible
  • Program active since 10-02-2025
  • Measuring time 30 days
  • Active in


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