Building a URL
Building a URL
Besides creating a configuration to retrieve certain data from our product databases using our interface, you can also create a URL for retrieving data yourself using a query string. The parameters you can use are below. Please also have a look at the filter options and paginating functionality to retrieve specific data.
- Required parameters
- standard_id: The standard in which Daisycon defined the data of the feed.
- media_id: The ID of your media within the Daisycon platform.
- language_code: The code of the language of the feed (e.g nl/de).
- locale_id: The target country of the campaign (e.g. Netherlands = 1).
- Optional parameters
- type: The content-type. Options: XML, CSV or JSON (default = XML).
- encoding: The encoding. Options UTF-8, UTF-16, ISO-88591, ISO-885915, ASCII (default = UTF-8).
- csv_enclose: CSV Enclosure, only if type = CSV ( default = ” )
- csv_explode: CSV Delimiter, only if type = CSV ( default = ; )
- item_tag: Only if type = XML or JSON (default = product_info)
- root_tag: Only if type = XML or JSON (default = datafeed)
- general: Options: true/false: Include the general fields in export. The general fields are these: id, name, currency, currency_symbol, product_count, last_modified, daisycon_unique_id_since, daisycon_unique_id_modified, daisycon_unique_id, previous_daisycon_unique_id, data_hash, status, insert_date, update_date, delete_date.
- rawdata: Options: true/false (default = false). Daisycon tries to map every field to the Daisycon feed standardisation. All fields from advertiser that can’t be mapped are, by default, not being included in the feeds to publishers. Setting rawdata on true will export this data. This option is not available for CSV exports.
- xhtml_strict: Options: true/false (default = false)
- html_transform: Strip or encode HTML. Options: none, strip, encode (default = none)
- program_id[]: Array with program ID’s. Example of two programs: “program_id[]=7611&program_id[]=14007”
- fields: comma separated fieldnames, give alternate names like: “title,description,link=url”. Using this parameter you can also change the order of the (non general) fields.
- nl2br: Options: true/false: Replaces newlines with a html break (<br/>)
- line_ending: CSV line ending, options: “CR”, “LF” en “CRLF” (default = “LF”)
An example of a URL finally looks like this:
The parameters standard_id and locale_id can be found in our publisher product feed FAQ platform or our common API-services.