
Campaign management

Professional management of affiliate campaigns: with the knowledge and insights of dedicated professionals who identify opportunities and realize growth. Powered by Conversive, part of Linehub.

Date of publication:

Entrust your campaign to certified professionals

Affiliate marketing has established itself as a reliable and effective channel in online marketing, with an impressive track record. However, it is not a passive channel where one can activate it and expect immediate results. To ensure a campaign thrives and achieves success, active management is indispensable. This requires dedicated time, attention and expertise, resources that may not always be accessible. In such instances, campaign management offers a solution: entrusting your campaign to the Conversive professionals.

Conversive, part of Linehub

By choosing campaign management, you engage the services of Conversive – another label within the Linehub marketing collective. In fact, we share the same office space and coffee machine. This close consultation enables ongoing collaborations as well as sharing the latest trends and insights.

The Conversive team consists of experienced and certified online marketers to whom you can fully entrust the campaign management. A combination is also possible, whereby part of the management is done by yourself and specific tasks are carried out by Conversive.

Conversive takes care of your affiliate channel from start to finish, handling everything from setup and communication with publishers to pursuing new media opportunities, acquiring publishers and approving transactions. In addition, you stay informed about potential opportunities and industry developments through Daisycon. You also maintain direct contact with your dedicated channel manager, who is specialised in your specific field.

Would you also like to benefit from effective campaign management? Contact us using the form on this page!

Tasks outsourced to Conversive include:

  • Uploading promotional materials such as banners, links, product feeds, and images.
  • Creating promotions and news items.
  • Communication with publishers and handling tickets.
  • Searching for and approving new media.
  • Negotiating and closing deals with publishers.
  • Approving and rejecting transactions.
  • Analyzing the results.