Youfone TV Alles-in-1

Youfone TV Alles-in-1 affiliate program

Campaigns » Telecom » Youfone TV Alles-in-1
Youfone has been the challenger on the All-in-1 market since 2017. With Youfone you as a consumer can watch TV at home or on the go. This is possible on several devices at the same time. Youfone for Home delivers the TV service along with super fast internet (also via fiber optic) via the reliable KPN network and fixed telephony is optional for customers to choose.

The Basic package for contains more than 40 TV channels, of which at least 26 channels in HD quality, including free ESPN Sports 1. Consumers can choose to expand the number of channels every month with 5 or more channels. In addition, the interactive services Begin Missed, Review, Record and Pause are included in the Basic package for free.

Youfone also offers DSL and Fiber Internet at different speeds. The speeds for DSL are 50 Mbit / s or 100 Mbit / s. Fiber is available with internet speeds of 50 Mbit / s, 100 Mbit / s, 200 Mbit / s or 500 Mbit / s.

The TV & Internet and the All-in-1 package is available from just € 19 per month for the first four months. After that it is € 38 per month. Internet is available via DSL or Fiber with a maximum available speed of up to 500 Mbit / s, depending on the speed at the chosen address. Internet Only starts with a price from € 13.50 per month. After 3 months this will be € 28.50 per month.

The benefits of Youfone All-in-1

  • Live TV on television, tablet and smartphone
  • At least 26 live channels in HD
  • 100 extra channels, series & films
  • Free ESPN Sports 1
  • Free 7 days look back
  • Record and pause for free
  • Fixed internet with speed up to 500 Mbit / s
  • Cheap fixed calls per second

Cookie duration of 30 days

Email conditions:

Sending commercial communications from Daisycon is only permitted if the publisher is demonstrably compliant in accordance with Article 11.7 of the Telecommunications Act, ACM guidelines and Daisycon's rules of conduct. The Daisycon Code of Conduct must be signed and in the possession of Daisycon so that it is transferable at all times at the request of ACM.

Previews must be submitted for approval through the Email Approval Tool

When submitting a preview, the Publisher indicates that it agrees with Article 11.7 of the Telecommunications Act and that prior consent has been obtained from all email recipients.

The ad may not be sent until the advertiser has approved the preview and sending.

The publisher is responsible for any consequences that are imposed if one is guilty of sending spam or sending a commercial message without the advertiser's permission.

This program does not allow you to forward traffic from any kind of software, adware, spyware and / or malware.

What is affiliate marketing?

Do you have a website or other medium with which you want to promote the Youfone TV Alles-in-1 affiliate program? You can! The first thing you have to do is sign up with Daisycon. After you have been admitted to Daisycon and the campaign, you will have access to the banners and the link material. Place these links or banners on your website. For every visitor you forward that makes a transaction, you will receive a nice fee. This is called affiliate marketing.

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Program data

  • Commission EUR 35.00 - 80.00 0% - 0% EUR 0.00 - 0.00
  • Keywordmarketing not allowed
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    Keyword marketing is not allowed

  • Email marketing partially allowed
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    Please provide a preview in the e-mail approval tool
    Cashback reward for clicks is not allowed.

  • Coupon codes is allowed
  • Product listing ads not allowed
  • Cashback partially allowed
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    Cashback reward for clicks is not allowed.

  • Social media not allowed
  • Sub ID possible
  • Productfeed possible
  • Deeplink possible
  • Program active since 18-02-2019
  • Measuring time 30 days
  • Active in


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