ShopDyner (DK)

ShopDyner (DK) affiliateprogramma

Campagnes » Wonen, Huis & Tuin » ShopDyner (DK)

About ShopDyner

Our ambition as an online shop is always to give you as a customer the optimal advice and guidance. We have Denmark's largest and most varied selection of quality duvets and pillows, also one that covers your specific needs. The choice of duvets and pillows is very individual depending on how you as a person sleep at night.

We work with the best and strongest branded suppliers within duvets and pillows. Our range is carefully composed based on the desire to offer you as a customer quality and function at the lowest possible price. What we can do when we shop big is keep our costs down and only sell our goods online. That way, we can offer you as a customer the cheapest price on duvets and pillows.

Our history
Shop duvets were started in 2014 and are located in Ringsted. We are a small company, which currently employs 3 dedicated employees, but we have great ambitions to become one of the major players in the market within online home textile sales. We are in a rapid development and are always looking for new, exciting opportunities to offer you as a customer the best products and the best conditions.

We offer free shipping on orders over 600, - and fast delivery in 1-3 days on all orders.

Wat is affiliate marketing?

Heb jij een website of ander online medium waarmee je het ShopDyner (DK) affiliateprogramma wil promoten? Dat kan! Het eerste wat je moet doen is je aanmelden bij Daisycon. Nadat je bent toegelaten tot het Daisycon-netwerk en de campagne, krijg je toegang tot de banners en het linkmateriaal. Plaats deze links of banners op je website. Voor iedere bezoeker die je doorstuurt en die een transactie genereert ontvang je een leuke vergoeding. Dit wordt affiliate marketing genoemd.

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Start met promoten

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Aanmelden bij Daisycon


  • Commissie DKK 0.00 9% DKK 0.00
  • Keywordmarketing is toegestaan
  • E-mailmarketing gedeeltelijk toegestaan
  • Promotiecodes niet toegestaan
  • Product listing ads is toegestaan
  • Cashback is toegestaan
  • Social media is toegestaan
  • Sub ID mogelijk
  • Productfeed mogelijk
  • Deeplink mogelijk
  • Programma actief sinds 13-04-2021
  • Meetduur 5 dagen
  • Actief in


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