
Freedom24 affiliateprogramma

Important Information

In compliance with regulatory requirements and the MiFID II directive, Freedom24 must collect specific data from affiliate partners.

To start cooperation with Freedom24, please complete and submit this form: Affiliate Form.

Receiving payments from the advertiser is only possible for partners who have provided the requested information in the form above.

Freedom24 Introduction

Freedom24 is the European brand of Freedom Holding Corp., a NASDAQ-listed company founded in 2008. The market capitalization of the holding company exceeded $8 billion in 2024.

Freedom24 in Brief

  • Direct access to 15 worldwide exchanges and over 1,000,000 securities

  • Fund placement securities swap with attractive fixed returns (up to 5% in EUR)

  • Personal investment assistant and stock picks with an average return of 16% (as of 2024)

  • Up to 20 gift stocks for new customers when topping up their accounts

The broker is regulated by MiFID II, a framework that ensures the highest level of investor protection. Freedom24 offices are located in 10 European countries, including a representative office in Amsterdam.

Affiliate Payments and Conditions

  • Partners receive a 20 EUR CPA per opened account (client documents provided and successful verification) plus a dynamic FTD reward as follows:

    • 250 EUR for a first deposit between 250 EUR and 2,000 EUR

    • 500 EUR for a first deposit between 2,000 EUR and 5,000 EUR

    • 1,000 EUR for a first deposit between 5,000 EUR and 20,000 EUR

    • 2,000 EUR for a first deposit of more than 20,000 EUR

  • Freedom24 account opening is available to clients from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain*, Poland*, Portugal*.

*Performance-based remuneration is not provided for clients from Spain, Portugal, and Poland in accordance with local regulatory requirements.

Affiliate Requirements


Investing in securities and other financial instruments always involves the risk of loss of your capital. Forecast or past performance is no guarantee of future results. It is essential to perform your own analysis before making any investment.

Learn More

Freedom24 Key Points Summary

Wat is affiliate marketing?

Heb jij een website of ander online medium waarmee je het Freedom24 affiliateprogramma wil promoten? Dat kan! Het eerste wat je moet doen is je aanmelden bij Daisycon. Nadat je bent toegelaten tot het Daisycon-netwerk en de campagne, krijg je toegang tot de banners en het linkmateriaal. Plaats deze links of banners op je website. Voor iedere bezoeker die je doorstuurt en die een transactie genereert ontvang je een leuke vergoeding. Dit wordt affiliate marketing genoemd.

Lees hier meer over publisher worden bij Daisycon, of klik hier om je direct te registreren.

Start met promoten

Heb je nog geen account bij Daisycon en wil je het programma van Freedom24 promoten? Meld je hier direct aan.

Aanmelden bij Daisycon


  • Commissie EUR 20.00 - 2,000.00 0% - 0% EUR 0.00 - 0.00
    (meer informatie)

    € 20,- CPL

    Vergoeding bij eerste storting op Freedom24 account:
    €250 tot €2 000 = €250
    €2 000 tot €5 000 = €500
    €5 000 tot €20 000 = €1000
    €20 000 of meer = €2000

  • Keywordmarketing is toegestaan
  • E-mailmarketing is toegestaan
  • Promotiecodes niet toegestaan
  • Product listing ads niet toegestaan
  • Cashback niet toegestaan
  • Social media is toegestaan
  • Sub ID mogelijk
  • Productfeed niet mogelijk
  • Deeplink mogelijk
  • Programma actief sinds 28-03-2022
  • Meetduur 90 dagen
  • Actief in


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