
Stas.nl affiliate program

STAS provides flexible suspension systems and accessories that make spaces better. And they believe that these solutions should serve the purpose of the space. From light to dark, and from functional to decorative.
With STAS painting suspension systems, you'll never have to drill unnecessary holes in your walls again, and you can swap or move them around whenever you want. Do not let the word "paintings" stop you. Our hanging systems can also be used to hang mirrors, clocks, plants, bulletin boards or a complete wall collage.

STAS picture hanging systems is an Eindhoven-based company that develops, produces and distributes high-quality picture hanging systems and various accessories. The company was founded in 1995 by the Stas brothers and is now available in more than 50 countries. STAS products are used worldwide in homes, offices, museums, hotels, schools and healthcare and government institutions.

Why promote the affiliate program of STAS picture hanging systems?

  • STAS is the market leader in hanging systems.
  • After installation, you never have to drill for hanging wall decorations. This promotes the changing of the wall decoration.
  • An extensive range, from hanging systems to wall decoration.
  • Always recent banner material available.
  • Average order value of 100 euros per order!

Hva er affiliate markedsføring?

Har du en nettside eller et medie hvor du ønsker å promotere Stas.nl affiliate programmet? Det kan du! Det første du behøver å gjøre er å registrere deg hos Daisycon. Etter at du har blitt godkjent hos Daisycon og kampanjen, vil du få tilgang til banners og linker. Plassér disse linker eller banners på din nettside. For hver besøkende du videresender som gjennomfører en transaksjon, mottar du en fin provisjon. Dette kalles affiliate marketing.

Les mer om affiliate markedsføring Bli en mediepartner hos Daisycon, eller klikk Her for å registrere deg direkte .

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Program data

  • Kommisjon EUR 0.00 12% EUR 0.00
  • Keyword markedsføring ikke tillatt
    (mer informasjon)

    Brandbidding and misspellings are not allowed.

  • E-mail markedsføring er tillatt
    (mer informasjon)

    E-mail preview via the e-mail approval tool.

  • Rabattkoder er tillatt
  • Product listing ads ikke tillatt
  • Cashback ikke tillatt
    (mer informasjon)

    Promotions that are not mentioned via the message centre or our newsletter are not allowed

  • Sosiale medier er tillatt
  • Sub ID mulig
  • Tilgængeligt mulig
  • Deeplink mulig
  • Programmet aktiv siden 19-10-2021
  • Måletid 30 dager
  • Aktiv i

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