More and more investors are buying stocks. FREESTOXX allows investors to buy shares in the stock market for FREE. The app and browser platform are qualitatively far above average.
Why can you recommend FREESTOXX?
Behind Freestoxx is the award-winning broker WH SelfInvest. This stock market specialist has been operating since 1998. The company has (representative) offices in six countries in Europe. Its client depository bank is as much as 50% larger than ING. FREESTOXX is known for its more than excellent service. Contact can be made from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.. Here you still get a human being on the line directly.
You earn per person who tests the app or web platform. This demo comes with real-time
stock quotes. Interesting for investors.
On top of that, you earn per person who opens an account and transfers money into the account. Opening an account
account online. Opening an account is easy and fast.
Why can you recommend FREESTOXX?
Behind Freestoxx is the award-winning broker WH SelfInvest. This stock market specialist has been operating since 1998. The company has (representative) offices in six countries in Europe. Its client depository bank is as much as 50% larger than ING. FREESTOXX is known for its more than excellent service. Contact can be made from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.. Here you still get a human being on the line directly.
Why would you recommend FREESTOXX?
- Buying shares and paying 0.00 € commission appeals to every investor. All investors are interested in cost savings.
- Clients have direct access to the NYSE and NASDAQ as well as all other places where a stock is traded. All investors are interested in US stocks.
- Orders are executed at lightning speed. More importantly, the orders are executed according to the NBBO rule of the American stock market watchdog. So the investor is guaranteed to get the best price.
- NO order commissions. NO foreign exchange cost per order. NO inactivity fee. NO monthly minimum.
- FREE real-time quotes after 1 order.
You earn per person who tests the app or web platform. This demo comes with real-time
stock quotes. Interesting for investors.
On top of that, you earn per person who opens an account and transfers money into the account. Opening an account
account online. Opening an account is easy and fast.
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