
Fossy.nl affiliate program

Kampanjer » Parenting » Fossy.nl
Fossy Fashion is a Dutch brand for babies and small children. The brand was created because the owner herself struggled a lot to get her baby into a jacket. She found a solution to that, patented the unique closure and created good collaborations with production partners.

Why promote Fossy.nl?

  • Unique solution: Fossy Fashion the only provider of the jackets with the unique closure, making them easy to put on.
  • Responsible production: the products are produced in a social workshop in Amsterdam and a GOTS certified family workshop in Portugal
  • Assortment: in addition to jackets, there are also onesies with the same solution. And the assortment has been extended with vests and scarves for secondary sales.
  • A return rate of only 0.7%
  • The brand stands, once customers buy they are fans! Repeat purchases are made regularly. The challenge now is to make as many parents and caregivers as possible familiar with these products.

Hva er affiliate markedsføring?

Har du en nettside eller et medie hvor du ønsker å promotere Fossy.nl affiliate programmet? Det kan du! Det første du behøver å gjøre er å registrere deg hos Daisycon. Etter at du har blitt godkjent hos Daisycon og kampanjen, vil du få tilgang til banners og linker. Plassér disse linker eller banners på din nettside. For hver besøkende du videresender som gjennomfører en transaksjon, mottar du en fin provisjon. Dette kalles affiliate marketing.

Les mer om affiliate markedsføring Bli en mediepartner hos Daisycon, eller klikk Her for å registrere deg direkte .

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Program data

  • Kommisjon EUR 0.00 10% EUR 0.00
  • Keyword markedsføring er tillatt
  • E-mail markedsføring er tillatt
  • Rabattkoder ikke tillatt
  • Product listing ads er tillatt
  • Cashback ikke tillatt
  • Sosiale medier er tillatt
  • Sub ID mulig
  • Tilgængeligt mulig
  • Deeplink mulig
  • Programmet aktiv siden 19-11-2024
  • Måletid 100 dager
  • Aktiv i

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