
Tjingo affiliate program

You can book your holidays at the Best Online travel agency in the Netherlands!
Always the best deal? Get your mats through Tjingo - De Vakantiematser!

Why Tjingo?

Tjingo.nl has a new website. The new website gathers the offer from more than 20 of the largest Dutch and German tour operators and shows the customer only the best deals. Because the website provides excellent conversion rates and a high eCPC, it is very interesting to promote Tjingo. Tracking has also been improved even further!

In addition, Tjingo now also has its own tour operator department. Under the "Tjingo mat deal" brand, another 5000 accommodations are being marketed at a very competitive price. With this, Tjingo always guarantees the lowest price!

What is Tjingo doing?

Tjingo offers trips to almost all countries in the world. More than 20,000 accommodations can be booked through Tjingo at the best price.
If Tjingo does not have the best price, customers can claim the mat guarantee.
Tjingo then pays the customer back the difference + extra discount! In addition, no administration costs are charged.

The benefits of the extensive Tjingo affiliate program

  • 3 times voted Best Online Travel Agency by the visitors of Zoover
  • More than 1,300,000 people went on holiday via Tjingo
  • Almost all destinations
  • < li> Extensive feed
  • Lowest Price Guarantee
  • High fees
  • Piggybacking on our brand awareness and TV campaigns
  • Deduplication policy eased even more higher conversion
  • No duplication with Zoover or adwords
  • Low tiers so quickly the highest fee
  • ANVR / SGR affiliated

High fees

  • 0-2 bookings: 3%
  • 2-5 bookings: 3.5%
  • 5+ bookings: 4.5%

  • The commission is calculated on the commissionable travel sum and there is no maximum fee for the transaction.

Hva er affiliate markedsføring?

Har du en nettside eller et medie hvor du ønsker å promotere Tjingo affiliate programmet? Det kan du! Det første du behøver å gjøre er å registrere deg hos Daisycon. Etter at du har blitt godkjent hos Daisycon og kampanjen, vil du få tilgang til banners og linker. Plassér disse linker eller banners på din nettside. For hver besøkende du videresender som gjennomfører en transaksjon, mottar du en fin provisjon. Dette kalles affiliate marketing.

Les mer om affiliate markedsføring Bli en mediepartner hos Daisycon, eller klikk Her for å registrere deg direkte .

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Program data

  • Kommisjon EUR 0.00 3% - 4% EUR 0.00
  • Keyword markedsføring ikke tillatt
  • E-mail markedsføring er delvis tillatt
  • Rabattkoder ikke tillatt
  • Product listing ads ikke tillatt
  • Cashback ikke tillatt
    (mer informasjon)

    Cashback sites aren't allowed

  • Sosiale medier er tillatt
  • Sub ID mulig
  • Tilgængeligt mulig
  • Deeplink mulig
  • Programmet aktiv siden 29-12-2010
  • Måletid 31 dager
  • Aktiv i

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