About MeningsTorget
Your opinion is unique. That’s why countless decision makers across the globe are fascinated by it.
At MeningsTorget, we provide a platform for your voice to find the ears of those building the future.
Users can suscribe for free to the MeningsTorget survey panel in Norway, share their opinion on various topics and be rewarded by vouchers.
Note that if the campaign has exceeded its monthly limit campaign immediately be put offline.
Description Lead (3 minutes):
First Name, Last Name, Email Address (x2), DOI, Additional email address, birth date, country, T & C
Your opinion is unique. That’s why countless decision makers across the globe are fascinated by it.
At MeningsTorget, we provide a platform for your voice to find the ears of those building the future.
Users can suscribe for free to the MeningsTorget survey panel in Norway, share their opinion on various topics and be rewarded by vouchers.
Why promote MeningsTorget?
- Wellknow and trusted brand
- Attractive setup and payout
- Global brand active in multiple countries
Note that if the campaign has exceeded its monthly limit campaign immediately be put offline.
Description Lead (3 minutes):
First Name, Last Name, Email Address (x2), DOI, Additional email address, birth date, country, T & C
What is leadgeneration?