In 2017 was the first in the Netherlands to launch a webshop for new and used cars.
Customers can order online and can have their new or used car delivered up to the door. Fast lead follow-up and a 14-day money-back guarantee ensures that consumers are very willing to order. As part of the Louwman Group, has everything to facilitate both sales and customer service.
Through active cooperation with 138 dealers, customers throughout the Netherlands can go for service, warranty and maintenance.
Private lease and financing are also possible. The offer on is a selection of the stock of dealers of the Louwman Dealer Group and the Broekhuis Group, and consists of almost all car makes available in the Netherlands. As a publisher you receive a commission per sold car or private lease request. The higher the sales value, the higher the commision.
Customers can order online and can have their new or used car delivered up to the door. Fast lead follow-up and a 14-day money-back guarantee ensures that consumers are very willing to order. As part of the Louwman Group, has everything to facilitate both sales and customer service.
Why promote the affiliate program?
Through active cooperation with 138 dealers, customers throughout the Netherlands can go for service, warranty and maintenance.
Private lease and financing are also possible. The offer on is a selection of the stock of dealers of the Louwman Dealer Group and the Broekhuis Group, and consists of almost all car makes available in the Netherlands. As a publisher you receive a commission per sold car or private lease request. The higher the sales value, the higher the commision.
Qu'est-ce que le marketing d'affiliation ?
Avez-vous un site internet ou un autre média avec lequel vous voulez promouvoir le programme d'affiliation ? Si oui, la première chose à faire est de vous inscrire à Daisycon. Après avoir été admis sur Daisycon et à la campagne, vous aurez accès aux bannières et liens affiliés. Placez ces liens ou bannières sur votre site internet. Pour chaque visiteur que vous apportez et qui réalise un achat, vous recevrez une rémunération en contrepartie. Cela s'appelle le marketing d'affiliation. C'est ce qu'on appelle le marketing d'affiliation.
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