, previously operating under the names Euronet and Wanadoo, is the challenger among the internet service providers (compared to KPN and Ziggo). uses the reliable KPN network and offers a 100% installation guarantee with a subscription with a TV subscription. They offer the "most complete package for the best price" compared to the competitors, they have all interactive options as standard in the TV package.
Since January 2014, has been added as a brand to the M7 Group, known from CanalDigitaal, among others. is therefore both the youngest and one of the oldest internet providers in the Netherlands with a lot of expertise in the Dutch internet industry.
Why promote
- Free ESPN Eredivisie 1, 2 and 3
- Super fast Internet via the KPN network
- Standard Record, pause and TV Missed
- Always the maximum achievable speed of up to 100 Mb / s
Since January 2014, has been added as a brand to the M7 Group, known from CanalDigitaal, among others. is therefore both the youngest and one of the oldest internet providers in the Netherlands with a lot of expertise in the Dutch internet industry.
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