Swiss Sense (NL)

Swiss Sense (NL) programme d'affiliation

Campagnes » Maison & Jardin » Swiss Sense (NL)
Taking good care of yourself starts with a good night’s sleep. And because you sleep best in a bed that really suits you, you can compose all box springs and beds at Swiss Sense completely according to your own wishes and desires. With the comfort that your body requires, in the style that matches your personality and within the budget you have in mind.

With a wide range of box springs, beds, mattresses and bedding, Swiss Sense offers everything for a good night’s sleep. So, get set to make you bedroom the nicest place in the house. The place that inspires you every day to take the rest you need.

Our affiliate program offers publishers the opportunity to promote the entire selection of Swiss Sens, consisting of:
  • Box springs
  • Beds
  • Bed frames
  • Bedding
  • Matrasses
  • Toppers

Swiss Sense USP’s
  • Create your own bed
  • Personal sleep advice
  • 90 nights of trial sleep
  • Free delivery and assembly
  • Payment on delivery possible
  • The best quality for a fair price
  • 25 years warranty on spring and frame breakage
  • More than 100 Swiss Sense Stores
  • Over 100 years of experience

The benefits of the affiliate program Swiss Sense affiliate program for publishers:

  • Extensive product feed
  • 30 days cookie time
  • Substantial link and banner material available
  • Rapid inspection of the realized sales
  • Personal contact person available

Inspections and duplication
Orders are approved every 2 weeks with a cooling-off period of 30 days.

Orders may be rejected if:
  • The order has not been completed within the conditions of the affiliate program;
  • The online order has not been completed correctly and/or is not complete;
  • The order is returned;
  • the order is cancelled;
  • The payment of the customer does not go through (correctly).

Affiliate orders are deduplicated against other campaign channels, with the exception of the following channels: Google search branded, Bing search branded, referral, direct, organic. This programme employs a one-hour cookie freeze.

Other conditions and questions
There are a number of ‘rules of engagement’ attached to the Swiss Sense affiliate programme. A description of the ways in which you may promote this programme can be found in the guidelines and conditions. Please consult the document "Guidelines and conditions Swiss Sense affiliate programme" carefully.

For questions you are always welcome to contact us via [email protected]. Swiss Sense is also interested in your feedback, send improvements via a ticket or email.

Qu'est-ce que le marketing d'affiliation ?

Avez-vous un site internet ou un autre média avec lequel vous voulez promouvoir le programme d'affiliation Swiss Sense (NL) ? Si oui, la première chose à faire est de vous inscrire à Daisycon. Après avoir été admis sur Daisycon et à la campagne, vous aurez accès aux bannières et liens affiliés. Placez ces liens ou bannières sur votre site internet. Pour chaque visiteur que vous apportez et qui réalise un achat, vous recevrez une rémunération en contrepartie. Cela s'appelle le marketing d'affiliation. C'est ce qu'on appelle le marketing d'affiliation.

Devenez éditeur sur Daisycon, ou cliquez ici pour vous inscrire directement.

Commencer la promotion

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Données de campagne

  • Commission EUR 0.00 6% - 8% EUR 0.00 - 0.00
    (plus d'information)

    Commission model:
    The commission is broken down by type of product:
    - Group 1: Duvets, pillows, accessories (all textiles except duvet covers), toppers: 8%.
    - Group 2: Web only collection, cots, box springs, mattresses, bed bases and stock models: 6.5%.

  • Marketing par mots clés partiellement autorisé
    (plus d'information)

    Purchasing keywords in networks is only permitted:
    A. If there is a link from the advertisement to an own website/intermediate page (no automatic interstitial page, no automatic redirection).
    B. If the required negative search words have been entered in order to exclude the situations listed below.

    Not permitted:
    A. Bidding on Advertiser’s brand names or associated terms/misspellings thereof (for example Swiss Sense, SwisSense, Swiss box springs, etc).
    B. If keyword buying is deployed, the correct negative search words must be entered. Affiliate advertisements may not be displayed in response to search terms in which Advertiser’s trademarks occur (for example: no affiliates’ advertisements in response to Swiss Sense coupon code, Swiss Sense Aeromax, Swiss Sense Gazella, etc.).
    C. This concerns the exact brand, brand misspellings (e.g. Swis Sense) and brand names in combination with other words (e.g. Swiss Sense coupon code).
    D. Use of Advertiser’s brand names or combinations hereof, related/misspellings in advertising text and/or visible URL in the form of domain or subdomain (so swisssense.MijnDomein.nl is not permitted, MijnDomein.nl/swisssense is permitted).

  • E-mail marketing est autorisé
    (plus d'information)

    E-mail preview in the e-mail approval tool

    Email marketing is only permitted within the Swiss Sense affiliate programme subject to exceptional authorisation and under a number of conditions:
    A. The affiliate must be demonstrably compliant with the stipulations of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR, Dutch AVG), the Telecommunications Act (particularly article 11.7), and other relevant rules and legislation;
    B. Only email addresses that have been obtained through a double opt-in and in line with regulations of the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) (inter alia) may be used;
    C. The affiliate observes the Dutch Advertising Code and the applicable DDMA (Dutch Dialogue Marketing Association) codes, including the Email Advertising Code, irrespective of whether the affiliate is a DDMA member;
    D. The affiliate has taken cognizance of the PAN’s Email Code of Conduct for Publishers from January 2015, and acts in conformance with this code of conduct;
    E. The name Swiss Sense may not appear as the sender in emails;
    F. Affiliates are not permitted to present themselves as an official Swiss Sense representative in their email promotions;
    G. Affiliates themselves are responsible for any consequences imposed if they are guilty of sending spam, sending emails that are in any way whatsoever not compliant with the aforementioned legislation, codes of conduct and/or guidelines;
    H. All emails/newsletters to be sent must be submitted to be checked beforehand by the Daisycon email approval system. Swiss Sense reserves the right to reject orders if a mail has not been submitted for approval. This includes all email communications, newsletters, texts developed in-house, images, logos, trademark material etc;
    I. Sending email batches is only permitted in consultation (see also previous point) with Greenhouse. This way, prior consultation with Swiss Sense can take place. It must be indicated on which dates emails are intended to be sent, stating the expected number of mails per dispatch moment.

  • Codes promotionnels non autorisé
  • Product listing ads partiellement autorisé
  • Cashback non autorisé
    (plus d'information)

    Cashback websites and saving schemes are permitted to a limited extent for Swiss Sense. If you wish to promote Swiss Sense as a cashback/savings scheme affiliate, please send your request, including explanation of how the promotion will take place, through [email protected].

  • Réseaux sociaux est autorisé
    (plus d'information)

    As statement indicating that Swiss Sense is not the owner of the account and is not responsible for the information on this page.

    Not permitted:
    A. Affiliates are not permitted to present themselves as an official representative of Advertiser in their promotion via social media.
    B. Affiliates that run promotions via social media sources such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook or Instagram may not register user names in which Advertiser’s trade names occur without obtaining prior written permission.
    C. Offline marketing activities or press releases on behalf of Advertiser are not permitted without prior written permission.
    D. Use of logos or trademark material in account/profile for Social Media sites is not permitted.
    E. The Swiss Sense website may not be loaded in an iframe within social media apps, pages or profiles.

    A. Presenting yourself as a 3rd party/under your own name and collecting Swiss Sense offers (but not linking directly)
    B. Deployment of social media for traffic to your own website
    C. Referring to the Swiss Sense official accounts to increase customer relevance

  • Sub ID possible
  • Flux produits possible
  • Deeplink possible
  • Campagne active depuis 16-10-2019
  • Durée de mesure 30 jours
  • Active dans


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