It’s so nice that you want to know more about! We know.. there is a lot of choice. But at we do things a little differently. We sell professional hair and beauty products for consumers, but we are also available 24/7 for hairdressers. Our wide range of products includes shampoo, treatments, make-up, tools, skincare, perfume and much more. Your visitors will find everything in one place at our shop to make themselves even more beautiful. As a result, the conversion rate and the order value are high.
Advantages of
Discounts up to 65%
Ordered before 23:30, next day delivery
Choice for Same-Day until 12:00 o'clock
Free shipping from €35.00
Complete hair & beauty range (more than 5,000 products)
Buyer Protection through Trusted Shops
Advantages of
Discounts up to 65%
Ordered before 23:30, next day delivery
Choice for Same-Day until 12:00 o'clock
Free shipping from €35.00
Complete hair & beauty range (more than 5,000 products)
Buyer Protection through Trusted Shops
Advantages for publishers
- High conversion rate
- High average order value
- Original promotional material (created by our own designer)
- Good product feed
- Personal contact with
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