is a large webshop in concrete and stone products for infra, construction, home, garden and interior and delivers to customers in the Netherlands & Belgium. They deliver and make, which ensures that they can also provide customized products as often desired in construction, DIY and interior. They can deliver different sizes, colors and special options, and visitors can order customized products directly in the webshop based on these wishes. As a result, visitors can always express their wishes and the conversion rate is high. This is reinforced by the good customer service, high customer reviews and the various payment methods, such as cash on delivery and post-payment.
They also have a huge range of products, from planters to benches, from foundations to lintels, from window sills to pool and pond edges and from wall coverings to gravel and tiles. Due to the wide range and character of the product, the average order value is as much as €400.
They also have a huge range of products, from planters to benches, from foundations to lintels, from window sills to pool and pond edges and from wall coverings to gravel and tiles. Due to the wide range and character of the product, the average order value is as much as €400. is the #1 specialist in concrete and stone products and a partnership has a number of great advantages:
- High average order value of € 400,- and thus a high CPS
- High conversion due to customization, customer satisfaction and service, broad payment methods and wide assortment
- All together exceptionally high value per forwarded visitor!
- Product feed available and customizable if required
- Extensive experience with online collaborations and freedom of approach
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