Serious ... We cherish our reputation for reliability. When it comes to
cars, we are very serious. But that doesn't mean we don't understand what our
products should guarantee: Experiencing pleasure by the driver and
...about fun. How people experience fun with their car is different for everyone. It does
us whether you experience fun by driving for miles off-road or by enjoying a daily drive to
a drive to work and back or by taking your family on the ultimate road trip.
Suzuki stands for experiencing fun for you as a user. To make that happen
three elements are central: Technique, Character and The fun factor. Read more here.
Suzuki Private Lease
Suzuki's affiliate program rewards publishers with a nice commission for
quote and test drive requests for Suzuki Private Lease.
What is private lease?
One fixed amount per month for driving. No financial surprises. And sometimes
things happen that turn your life upside down. Then with Suzuki your lease is simply terminable.
With private lease you know exactly where you stand. Very clear.
Read more about Suzuki's affiliate program below.
For more questions you can always contact us via the Daisycon ticket system or
by sending an email to [email protected]. Should you have any requests or ideas
ideas for materials or texts, please contact us.
GroupM ∙ Emmasingel 21 ∙ 5611 AZ ∙ Eindhoven ∙ The Netherlands
[email protected] ∙ Phone: +31(0)40 - 87 00 282
Suzuki produces cars using smart, safe and thoughtful innovations.
For example, all Suzuki cars feature a hybrid powertrain. The Consumer Association has named Suzuki
voted most reliable car brand in 2022.
- Fair and affordable to buy and use
- There is always a dealer nearby
- Smart, thoughtful and safe innovations
- Most reliable car brand in 2022 (Consumers' Association)
Private Lease from Suzuki, this is all included
- Depreciation
- Road tax
- Insurance
- Maintenance
- Repair service
- 24/7 Roadside assistance throughout Europe
- Tires (winter tires optional)
- Replacement vehicle
The monthly fee is all-inclusive. You only pay for the fuel.
Serious ... We cherish our reputation for reliability. When it comes to
cars, we are very serious. But that doesn't mean we don't understand what our
products should guarantee: Experiencing pleasure by the driver and
...about fun. How people experience fun with their car is different for everyone. It does
us whether you experience fun by driving for miles off-road or by enjoying a daily drive to
a drive to work and back or by taking your family on the ultimate road trip.
Suzuki stands for experiencing fun for you as a user. To make that happen
three elements are central: Technique, Character and The fun factor. Read more here.
Suzuki Private Lease
Suzuki's affiliate program rewards publishers with a nice commission for
quote and test drive requests for Suzuki Private Lease.
What is private lease?
One fixed amount per month for driving. No financial surprises. And sometimes
things happen that turn your life upside down. Then with Suzuki your lease is simply terminable.
With private lease you know exactly where you stand. Very clear.
Read more about Suzuki's affiliate program below.
For more questions you can always contact us via the Daisycon ticket system or
by sending an email to [email protected]. Should you have any requests or ideas
ideas for materials or texts, please contact us.
GroupM ∙ Emmasingel 21 ∙ 5611 AZ ∙ Eindhoven ∙ The Netherlands
[email protected] ∙ Phone: +31(0)40 - 87 00 282
Suzuki produces cars using smart, safe and thoughtful innovations.
For example, all Suzuki cars feature a hybrid powertrain. The Consumer Association has named Suzuki
voted most reliable car brand in 2022.
- Fair and affordable to buy and use
- There is always a dealer nearby
- Smart, thoughtful and safe innovations
- Most reliable car brand in 2022 (Consumers' Association)
Private Lease from Suzuki, this is all included
- Depreciation
- Road tax
- Insurance
- Maintenance
- Repair service
- 24/7 Roadside assistance throughout Europe
- Tires (winter tires optional)
- Replacement vehicle
The monthly fee is all-inclusive. You only pay for the fuel.
- Market-based commissions
- Fast approval of leads
- Clear feed available
- Personal contact available
- High brand awareness
- 30 day cookie period
There is a €40 commission for both quote and test drive requests.
The product feed is available through Daisycon. Price changes are made manually in the feed
implemented manually in the feed. For questions and/or comments about the feed please contact
[email protected].
Leads are inspected every two weeks with a cool-off period of two weeks.
Leads can be rejected if, among other things:
- The lead was not created within the terms of the affiliate program
came about;
- The application has not been handled correctly and/or completely;
- The lead is measured twice (under the same IP address).
Affiliate orders will be deduplicated against other campaign channels, with the exception of the
following channels: Google search branded, Bing search branded, referral, direct, organic.
There are a number of "ground rules" associated with the Suzuki affiliate program. The ways
In which you are allowed to promote the program (think creation, keyword-buying,
types of publishers allowed, email marketing, etc.), are described in the document
"Affiliate Terms & Guidelines. This document also clearly describes what is not
Qu'est-ce que le marketing d'affiliation ?
Avez-vous un site internet ou un autre média avec lequel vous voulez promouvoir le programme d'affiliation Suzuki private lease (NL) ? Si oui, la première chose à faire est de vous inscrire à Daisycon. Après avoir été admis sur Daisycon et à la campagne, vous aurez accès aux bannières et liens affiliés. Placez ces liens ou bannières sur votre site internet. Pour chaque visiteur que vous apportez et qui réalise un achat, vous recevrez une rémunération en contrepartie. Cela s'appelle le marketing d'affiliation. C'est ce qu'on appelle le marketing d'affiliation.
Devenez éditeur sur Daisycon, ou cliquez ici pour vous inscrire directement.