Henderson Planet

Henderson Planet programme d'affiliation

Campagnes » Santé & Beauté » Henderson Planet
Discover the sustainable charm of Henderson Planet hand soap set: An elegant glass foam pump with a lifetime guarantee, including a timeless storage jar. This 100% biodegradable product is free of disposable plastic. Fill the bottle with water, add a lavender-scented tablet, and enjoy delicious lather that not only cares for your hands but also protects the planet. Refills are packaged and delivered in an eco-friendly way, making you a stylish yet practical choice for any sink.

Benefits of Henderson Planet hand soap for affiliates:

  • No use of disposable plastic
  • No unnecessary transportation of water: we use tablets the water you add at home
  • Deliciously scented foam that cares for your hands
  • Produced in the Netherlands

Qu'est-ce que le marketing d'affiliation ?

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Données de campagne

  • Commission 7.00%
  • Marketing par mots clés est autorisé
  • E-mail marketing est autorisé
  • Codes promotionnels est autorisé
  • Product listing ads est autorisé
  • Cashback est autorisé
  • Réseaux sociaux est autorisé
  • Sub ID possible
  • Flux produits pas possible
  • Deeplink possible
  • Campagne active depuis 18-06-2024
  • Durée de mesure 100 jours
  • Active dans


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