WOOOF sells wagging moments in the form of natural dog treats and snacks. We have been doing this since 2016 and are now active with our webshops in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and Austria.
At WOOOF, we love to see your best friend run, play, and cuddle every day. We believe the health of your dog is the most important thing. Proper nutrition is the foundation for this. WOOOF pressed dog food is specially developed to ensure your loyal companion feels great every day! And that makes us, as dog owners, happy too. WOOOF offers different varieties of dog food, so you can always find the perfect one for your dog.
All orders are currently entered into the publisher fee for existing customers. During the weekly order review, orders from new customers are subsequently adjusted upward in terms of compensation
At WOOOF, we love to see your best friend run, play, and cuddle every day. We believe the health of your dog is the most important thing. Proper nutrition is the foundation for this. WOOOF pressed dog food is specially developed to ensure your loyal companion feels great every day! And that makes us, as dog owners, happy too. WOOOF offers different varieties of dog food, so you can always find the perfect one for your dog.
Why promote WOOOF?
- Our webshop has a very high conversion rate and a drop/return rate of less than 1%.
- High upsell percentage = higher cart value = more commission for you.
- Safe shopping for consumers due to our certifications like Thuiswinkel Waarborg.
- Excellent customer reviews: 4.8 out of 5 on both Trustpilot and Trusted Shops.
- Premium food such as pressed dog food, sausages, snacks, and supplements, but at a budget price. Directly from the manufacturer to the dog bowl.
- Fun new promotions every month
All orders are currently entered into the publisher fee for existing customers. During the weekly order review, orders from new customers are subsequently adjusted upward in terms of compensation
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