The largest online energy supplier in the Netherlands is, where you can arrange everything smartly online. distinguishes itself by a simple, direct and competitively priced offer. From 1 July 2016 she is also main sponsor of football club PSV.
In the user environment 'Mijn', the customer is in control of his / her energy matters. In this way, costs are reduced and the customer receives competitive rates for electricity and gas in return.
Moreover, is open about what to do and what to do. The customer comes first and the opinion of customers counts. As a customer, let them know what you think of and they will get started right away.
This advertiser deduplicates transactions from publishers with other channels
In the user environment 'Mijn', the customer is in control of his / her energy matters. In this way, costs are reduced and the customer receives competitive rates for electricity and gas in return.
Moreover, is open about what to do and what to do. The customer comes first and the opinion of customers counts. As a customer, let them know what you think of and they will get started right away.
Advantages of the energy direct affiliate program
- Easily promoted thanks to the energy comparator from Daisycon
- very attractive fee
- good measurement time
- the customer immediately chooses the best deal without having to switch. >
- low monthly costs for the customer and no surprises afterwards
This advertiser deduplicates transactions from publishers with other channels
Qu'est-ce que le marketing d'affiliation ?
Avez-vous un site internet ou un autre média avec lequel vous voulez promouvoir le programme d'affiliation energiedirect ? Si oui, la première chose à faire est de vous inscrire à Daisycon. Après avoir été admis sur Daisycon et à la campagne, vous aurez accès aux bannières et liens affiliés. Placez ces liens ou bannières sur votre site internet. Pour chaque visiteur que vous apportez et qui réalise un achat, vous recevrez une rémunération en contrepartie. Cela s'appelle le marketing d'affiliation. C'est ce qu'on appelle le marketing d'affiliation.
Devenez éditeur sur Daisycon, ou cliquez ici pour vous inscrire directement.